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Personalbild Andreas Hörnblad

Andreas Hörnblad



Verksam som

Universitetslektor vid Institutionen för medicinsk och translationell biologi Enhet: Avdelningen för molekylär medicin
hus H, Johan Bures väg 12, Biologihuset Umeå universitet, 901 87 Umeå



Andreas Hörnblad obtained his PhD in Molecular Medicine at the Umeå Centre for Molecular Medicine (UCMM) in 2012, studying the biology of the developing and adult mouse pancreas using 3D microscopy (Optical Projection Tomography). During this period, he developed tools for spatial and quantitative analysis of protein expression and applied this to mouse models of the developing and diseased pancreas.
After his thesis work, he was awarded a postdoctoral grant within the Marie Curie/EIPOD program to join the European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL) in Heidelberg (Germany). This work focused on investigating the function of putative regulatory enhancers in the development of the limb and the brain using extensive in vivo genome editing approaches (CRISPR/Cas9).
In 2017 he joined the lab of Prof. Helena Edlund (UmU) for a second postdoc investigating mechanisms of ß-cell stress in obesity and type 2 diabetes. From late 2018 he is a principal investigator at UCMM and is currently focusing his research on enhancer function in development and disease, in particular their role in obesity associated liver cancer.

Ask me about: mouse models, genome editing, enhancer function, long-distance gene regulation, optical projection tomography, mouse genetics

International Journal of Developmental Biology, Leioa: University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU Press) 2024, Vol. 68, (4) : 211-222
Chandel, Rajeev; Hörnblad, Andreas
Kaufman's atlas of mouse development supplement: with coronal sections, Academic Press 2024 : 289-321
Davies, Wayne I. L.; Hörnblad, Andreas; Hahn, Max; et al.
Nature Communications, Springer Nature 2023, Vol. 14, (1)
Chakraborty, Chaitali; Nissen, Itzel; Vincent, Craig A.; et al.
Scientific Reports, Nature Publishing Group 2023, Vol. 13, (1)
López-Pérez, Ana R.; Remeseiro, Silvia; Hörnblad, Andreas
BMC Cancer, BioMed Central (BMC) 2023, Vol. 23, (1)
Vincent, Craig A.; Nissen, Itzel; Dakhel, Soran; et al.
Cells, MDPI 2022, Vol. 11, (9)
Hörnblad, Andreas; Remeseiro, Silvia
Scientific Reports, Nature Publishing Group 2022, Vol. 12, (1)
Kahsay, Abraha; Rodriguez-Marquez, Eva; López-Pérez, Ana R.; et al.
Nature Communications, Springer Nature 2021, Vol. 12, (1)
Hörnblad, Andreas; Bastide, S.; Langenfeld, K.; et al.
Scientific Reports, Nature Publishing Group 2021, Vol. 11, (1)
López-Pérez, Ana R.; Norlin, Stefan; Steneberg, Pär; et al.
Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Developmental Biology, Vol. 5, (2) : 169-185
Remeseiro, Silvia; Hörnblad, Andreas; Spitz, François
Kaufman's atlas of mouse development supplement: with coronal sections, Elsevier 2015 : 85-94
Hörnblad, Andreas; Nord, Christoffer; Parween, Saba; et al.
Optics Express, Optical Society of America 2013, Vol. 21, (14) : 16584-16604
Cheddad, Abbas; Nord, Christoffer; Hörnblad, Andreas; et al.
Journal of Visualized Experiments, Vol. 71
Eriksson, Anna U.; Svensson, Christoffer; Hörnblad, Andreas; et al.
Physical Biology, Institute of Physics Publishing (IOPP) 2013, Vol. 10, (3) : 036009-
Jo, Junghyo; Hörnblad, Andreas; Kilimnik, German; et al.
Umeå University medical dissertations, 1471
Hörnblad, Andreas
Islets, Austin: Landes Bioscience 2011, Vol. 3, (4) : 204-208
Hörnblad, Andreas; Cheddad, Abbas; Ahlgren, Ulf
PLOS ONE, San Francisco, CA: Public Library of Science 2011, Vol. 6, (6) : e21753-
Hörnblad, Andreas; Eriksson, Anna; Sock, Elisabeth; et al.
Developmental Biology, Academic Press 2011, Vol. 352, (2) : 267-277
Sand, Fredrik Wolfhagen; Hörnblad, Andreas; Johansson, Jenny K; et al.
Diabetes, Vol. 59, (7) : 1756-1764
Alanentalo, Tomas; Hörnblad, Andreas; Mayans, Sofia; et al.
Islets, Vol. 1, (2) : 163-164
Ahlgren, Ulf; Hörnblad, Andreas


Andreas Hörnblad lab