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Anders Nordin
Vetenskaplig meritering:
090-786 52 64
070-239 11 33
Verksam vid
Professor vid
Institutionen för tillämpad fysik och elektronik
X, Håken Gullessons väg 20, Teknikhuset, TEK.C.403
Umeå universitet, 901 87 Umeå
Microstructure of pine wood biochar
The 29th International conference on the Impact of Fuel Quality on Power Production and Environment, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany, September 2-6, 2024
Strandberg, Anna; Carlborg, Markus; Palsaniya, Shatrudhan; et al.
Off-gassing from pilot-scale torrefied pine wood chips: impact of torrefaction severity, cooling technology, and storage time
Fuel processing technology
, Elsevier 2020, Vol. 202
Borén, Eleonora; Pommer, Linda; Nordin, Anders; et al.
Combined effects of torrefaction and pelletization parameters on the quality of pellets produced from torrefied biomass
Applied Energy
, Elsevier 2017, Vol. 191 : 414-424
Rudolfsson, Magnus; Borén, Eleonora; Pommer, Linda; et al.
Entrained flow gasification of torrefied lignocellulosic biomass
Papers of the 24TH European Biomass Conference: Setting the Course for a Biobased Economy
, Amsterdam: ETA Florence Renewable Energies 2016 : 1138-1142
Khwaja, Salik; Weiland, Fredrik; Pettersson, Esbjorn; et al.
Effects of temperature and residence time on continuous torrefaction of spruce wood
Fuel processing technology
, Vol. 134 : 387-398
Strandberg, Martin; Olofsson, Ingemar; Pommer, Linda; et al.
Syngas production by combined biomass gasification and in situ biogas reforming
Energy & Fuels
, Vol. 29, (6) : 3725-3731
Åberg, Katarina; Pommer, Linda; Nordin, Anders
NIR provides excellent predictions of properties of biocoal from torrefaction and pyrolysis of biomass
Green Chemistry
, Vol. 16, (12) : 4906-4913
Lestander, Torbjörn A.; Rudolfsson, Magnus; Pommer, Linda; et al.
Powder characteristics of torrefied and pelletized biomass
Impacts of Fuel Quality on Power Production October 26 –31, 2014, Snowbird, Utah, USA, 2014
Strandberg, Martin; Nordin, Anders; Kollberg, Kristoffer
Entrained flow gasification of torrefied wood residues
Fuel processing technology
, Vol. 125 : 51-58
Weiland, Fredrik; Nordwaeger, Martin; Olofsson, Ingemar; et al.
Quality assurance of torrefied biomass using RGB, visual and near infrared (hyper) spectral image data
Journal of Near Infrared Spectroscopy
, Vol. 22, (2) : 129-139
Wiklund Lindström, Susanne; Nilsson, David; Nordin, Anders; et al.
Defining the temperature regime of gaseous degradation products of Norway spruce
21nd European Biomass Conference and Exhibition, Copenhagen, June, 2013, ETA Florens Renewable Energies, 2013
Borén, Eleonora; Broström, Markus; Kajsa, Werner; et al.
Analysing biomass torrefaction supply chain costs
Bioresource Technology
, Vol. 142 : 287-296
Svanberg, Martin; Olofsson, Ingemar; Flodén, Jonas; et al.
Influence of torrefaction on the devolatilization and oxidation kinetics of wood
Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis
, Vol. 96 : 100-109
Brostrom, Markus; Nordin, Anders; Pommer, Linda; et al.
Biomass conversion through torrefaction
Technologies for converting biomass to useful energy: combustion, gasification, pyrolysis, torrefaction and fermentation
, CRC Press 2012 : 217-244
Nordin, Anders; Pommer, Linda; Olofsson, Ingemar; et al.
Stove performance and emission characteristics in residential wood log and pellet combustion: Part 1: Pellet stoves
Energy & Fuels
, American Chemical Society 2011, Vol. 25, (1) : 307-314
Boman, Christoffer; Pettersson, Esbjörn; Westerholm, Roger; et al.
Stove performance and emission characteristics in residential wood log and pellet combustion: Part 2: Wood stove
Energy & Fuels
, American Chemical Society 2011, Vol. 25, (1) : 315-323
Pettersson, Esbjörn; Boman, Christoffer; Westerholm, Roger; et al.
Process and system integration aspects of biomass torrefaction
18th European Biomass Conference and Exhibition: Proceedings
Håkansson, Katarina; Nordin, Anders; Nordwaeger, Martin; et al.
Design Changes in a Fixed-Bed Pellet Combustion Device: Effects of Temperature and Residence Time on Emission Performance
Energy & Fuels
, American Chemical Society (ACS) 2010, Vol. 24, (2) : 1333-1340
Pettersson, Esbjörn; Lindmark, Fredrik; Öhman, Marcus; et al.
Mechanisms behind the positive effects on bed agglomeration and deposit formation combusting forest residue with peat additives in fluidized beds
Energy & Fuels
, American Chemical Society 2009, Vol. 23, (9) : 4245-4253
Pommer, Linda; Öhman, Marcus; Boström, Dan; et al.
Torrefaction and Gasification of Hydrolysis Residue
16th European Biomass Conference and Exhibition: Proceedings
Håkansson, Katarina; Olofsson, Ingemar; Persson, Kristoffer; et al.
Soil Remediation – Mercury Speciation in Soil and Vapor Phase During Thermal Treatment
Water, Air and Soil Pollution
, Springer 2008, Vol. 193, (1-4) : 155-163
Taube, Fabian; Pommer, Linda; Larsson, Tom; et al.
Sulfation of corrosive alkali chlorides by ammonium sulfate in a biomass fired CFB boiler
Fuel processing technology
, Amsterdam: Elsevier Bv 2007, Vol. 88, (11-12) : 1171-1177
Broström, Markus; Kassman, Håkan; Helgesson, Anna; et al.
Effects of non-quartz minerals in natural bed sand on agglomeration characteristics during fluidized bed combustion of biomass fuels
Energy & Fuels
, American Chemical Society 2007, Vol. 21, (5) : 2663-2668
de Geyter, Sigrid; Öhman, Marcus; Boström, Dan; et al.
Determination of thermodynamic properties of Na
S using solid-state EMF measurements
Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics
, Elsevier 2007, Vol. 39, (1) : 44-48
Lindberg, Gustav; Larsson, Anders; Råberg, Mathias; et al.
Fate of Cu, Cr and As during combustion of impregnated wood with and without peat additive
Environmental Science and Technology
, American Chemical Society 2007, Vol. 41, (18) : 6534-6540
Lundholm, Karin; Boström, Dan; Nordin, Anders; et al.
Trace element speciation in combustion processes: review and compilatons of thermodynamic data
Fuel processing technology
, Amsterdam: Elsevier 2007, Vol. 88, (11-12) : 1061-1070
Lundholm, Karin; Nordin, Anders; Backman, Rainer
High temperature corrosion in a 65 MW waste to energy plant
Fuel processing technology
, Elsevier B.V. 2007, Vol. 88, (11-12) : 1178-1182
Persson, Kristoffer; Broström, Markus; Carlsson, Jörgen; et al.
Influence of black liquor variability, combustion, and gasification process variables and inaccuracies in thermochemical data on equilibrium modeling results
Energy & Fuels
, Washington: American Chemical Society (ACS) 2006, Vol. 20, (1) : 359-363
Larsson, Anders; Nordin, Anders; Backman, Rainer; et al.
High-temperature aerosol formation in wood pellets flames: Spatially resolved measurements
Combustion and Flame
, Vol. 147, (4) : 278-293
Wiinikka, Henrik; Gebart, Rikard; Boman, Christoffer; et al.
Bed agglomeration characteristics of wood-derived fuels in FBC
Energy & Fuels
, Washington: American Chemical Society (ACS) 2006, Vol. 20, (2) : 818-824
Zevenhoven-Onderwater, Maria; Öhman, Marcus; Skrifvars, Bengt-Johan; et al.
Evaluation of a constant volume sampling set-up for residential biomass fired appliances: influence of dilution conditions on particulate and PAH emissions
Biomass and Bioenergy
, Elsevier 2005, Vol. 29, (4) : 258-268
Boman, Christoffer; Nordin, Anders; Westerholm, Roger; et al.
Bed agglomeration characteristics and mechanisms during gasification and combustion of biomass fuels
Energy & Fuels
, Vol. 19, (4) : 1742-1748
Pommer, Linda; Öhman, Marcus; Nordin, Anders
Characterization of inorganic particulate matter from residential combustion of pelletized biomass fuels
Energy and Fuels
, ACS publications 2004, Vol. 18, (2) : 338-348
Boman, Christoffer; Nordin, Anders; Boström, Dan; et al.
Bed agglomeration characteristics of biomass fuels using blast-furnace slag as bed material
Energy & Fuels
, Washington, D.C.: American Chemical Society 2004, Vol. 18, (4) : 1187-1193
Brus, Elisabet; Öhman, Marcus; Nordin, Anders; et al.
Effect of kaolin and limestone addition on slag formation during combustion of wood fuels
Energy & Fuels
, Washington, D.C.: American Chemical Society 2004, Vol. 18, (5) : 1370-1376
Öhman, Marcus; Boström, Dan; Nordin, Anders; et al.
Reasons for slagging during stemwood pellet combustion and some measures for prevention
Biomass and Bioenergy
, Oxford: Pergamon Press 2004, Vol. 27, (6) : 597-605
Öhman, Marcus; Nordin, Anders; Hedman, H; et al.
Effects of increased small-scale biomass pellet combustion on ambient air quality in residential areas: A parametric dispersion modeling study
Biomass and Bioenergy
, Elsevier 2003, Vol. 24, (6) : 465-474
Boman, Christoffer; Nordin, Anders; Thanning, Lennart
Improvement of the binary phase diagram Na
Energy & Fuels
, American Chemistry Society 2003, Vol. 17, (6) : 1591-1594
Råberg, Mathias; Boström, Dan; Nordin, Anders; et al.
Ash Transformations during Combustion of Meat-, Bonemeal, and RDF in a (bench-scale) Fluidized Bed Combustor
Energy & Fuels
, American Chemical Society (ACS) 2003, Vol. 17, (5) : 1153-1159
Öhman, Marcus; Nordin, Anders; Lundholm, Karin; et al.
Equilibrium Chemistry of Biomass Combustion: A Round-Robin Set of Calculations Using Available Computer Programs and Databases
Energy Fuels
, Vol. 15, (2) : 344-9
Blander, M; Milne, T A; Dayton, D C; et al.
Bed Agglomeration Characteristics during Fluidized Bed Combustion of Biomass Fuels
Energy Fuels
, Vol. 14, (1) : 169-78
Öhman, Marcus; Nordin, Anders; Skrifvars, Bengt-Johan; et al.
On the chemistry of combustion and gasification of biomass fuels, peat and waste: environmental aspects
Umeå: Umeå Universitet 1993
Nordin, Anders
Trace element enrichment and behavior in wood pellet production and combustion processes.
Boman, Christoffer; Öhman, Marcus; Nordin, Anders
Off-gassing from 16 pilot-scale produced pellets assortments of torrefied pine: impact of torrefaction severity, storage time, pelletization parameters, and pellet quality
Borén, Eleonora; Rudolfsson, Magnus; Nordin, Anders; et al.
Oxygen enhanced torrefaction - An initial feasibility study
Olofsson, Ingemar; Strandberg, Martin; Pommer, Linda; et al.
Evaluation of existing and new approaches to determine degree of torrefaction
Strandberg, Martin; Olofsson, Ingemar; Pommer, Linda; et al.
Effects of temperature and residence time on torrefaction of spruce wood
Strandberg, Martin; Olofsson, Ingemar; Pommer, Linda; et al.
Hydrogen and carbon separation by low-temperature slow pyrolysis of biomass: experimental validation
Åberg, Katarina; Borén, Eleonora; Pommer, Linda; et al.
Pilot scale experimental validation of the Bio
fuels low-temperature slow pyrolysis system concept
Åberg, Katarina; Khwaja, Salik; Pommer, Linda; et al.
Torrefaction and gasification of lignocellulosic hydrolysis residue from bio-ethanol production
Åberg, Katarina; Lindh, Ingemar; Kollberg, Kristoffer; et al.
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