Hoppa direkt till innehållet
Huvudmenyn dold.

Anders Lundström

Pågående forskningsområden:

- Energikänslig Design
- Interaktiv människodriven strömförsörjning (Human-Powered Interactions)
- Virtuell Verklighet i Vården
- Räckviddsvisualisaringar i elbilar

Vetenskaplig meritering: Docent



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Universitetslektor vid Institutionen för informatik
MIT-huset, Campustorget 5, MIT.F.424 Umeå universitet, 901 87 Umeå


Energikänslig design

Forskning berör hur vi metodologiskt kan arbeta för att på smarta sätt minska energiförbrukningen i interaktiva system. Huvudfokus ligger på analytiska verktyg som kan identifiera möjligheter till att förbättra design ur ett energiperspektiv. Jag genomför löpande workshops med studenter inom interaktionsdesign, UX, och systemvetenskap. 

Interaktiv männoskodriven strömförsörjning

Pågående arbete:

  • Vevdrivna enheter
  • Enheter drivna av kroppsvärme
  • Interaktiva linjära generatorer
  • Verktyg och kunskap för att skapa människodrivna enheter

Playing with Electromagnetic Induction
In this work by master student Elena Gonzales Rabal we have explored a new form of interactive electromagnetic generator. The design resembles a bow (violine) in the form of a rod that the user can move back and forth. The interaction modalities are tilt, speed, and position. For position we have designed a quadrature encoder using coils responding to the magnets inside the rod.

Crafting Crank-Powered Interactions
Presentation at the CHI workshop on Selfsustainable HCI.

Human-Powered Arduino Uno Shield 
This shield was made to enable quick prototyping of human-powered interactions using the Arduino Uno and a DC generator. The shield targets interaction designers and makers. Although the Uno is not a very energy efficient device electromagnetism using (e.g) cranks still yields sufficient power to make interesting applications. The Board as space for additional storage capacitors, has a low pass filter to remove noise, and also provides the direction and speed of rotation hard wired to 2 different inputs on the Arduino. 

Human-Powered LittleBit
To enable early learnings among students and children about electromagnetic generation and prototyping of human-powered interactions we have developed this LittleBit. The bit allow the connection of a DC generator and have 3 output ports providing 1) power only, 2) power + direction and 3) power + speed. The responsiveness of the speed can be tuned with an onboard trimpot to account for different generators. 

Hand-Cranked Quote Reader
In this project we wanted to explore interactivity when generating power. By cranking the device the user can scroll through a list of various famous science quotes. Depending on the direction of cranking the devices iterates the list backwards or forwards. One learning was the essential need to use materials with memory, hence we switched to using an e-ink display in the process. Another learning concerns the importance of dealing with the inherent conditions of power comming in "burts" and the fact that the devices is "always-off". This emphizeses the need to keep state between power ons and the need for swift boot time. 

Human-Powered Emailing Machine
In this project we build a small machine that can send emails on crank-power over wifi. The goal of the project was to explore usage aspects of crank-powered devices. The user boots the sender through cranking and maintains the cranking until the email has been sent. Feedback on progress of this process is communicated through magnetic indicators (keeps state when power is gone) and in the end of the process an e-ink is updated displaying the total time for sending the email, estimated carbon footprint, and estimated calories burned in the process. 

Prototyping Board to Enable Body Heat Powered Interactions
In this work we have designed PCB with the aim of opening up body heat as a power source for Interaction Designers and Makers. This board is based on the LTC3108 chip from Analog Devices. The circuit provides several power outputs dedicated for different purposes. For usage example see the following example. 

Wirelessly Controlling Lights Powered by Body Heat 
In this project we are looking at how to design body-heat powered interactive devices. Here a demonstration of an early prototype capable of wirelessly (868MHz radio) controlling light switches in the room. The design is using the EnOcean PTM330 chip for wireless communication. 

Hand-Cranked Powerpoint Slide Clicker
In this project we explored a simple yet useful use case for human-power in the form of a hand-cranked powerpoint clicker. The prototype is constructed by stripping down and circuitbending a commercial clicker and adding one of our human-power PCBs. Works magic!

Virtuell verklighet i vården

2 fokusområden:

  • Användning av 360-video i KBT behandling Årets innovation 2019
  • Användning av 360-video för ökat välbefinande genom nya upplevelse inom äldreomsorgen

360-video för exponeringsbehandling inom KBT
Projektet utvärderar användning av 360-film inom KBT med fokus på tekniska, kliniska och användningsaspekter. In vivo exponering ersätts med 360-videos som ses i VR glasögon. 

Here is a breif intro to what we do made by SVT News.

The project has also been featured in 1177 that reachine 2 miljon people in the Stockholm Region.

360-video iof wellbeing in elderly care

In this project we are collaborating with Film Stockholm around co-watched 360-video in elderly care. Personal at elderly care centers have been trained to facilitate 360-video sessions. We are studying how the elderly experiences HMDs, 360-video, viewing sessions, and VR in general. So far, the reponses are very positive and these sessions are spreading to new areas and elderly care centers in Sweden. 

Electric car range displays and energy management while driving

This has been the main body of my thesis work in which I have looked at how drivers of electric cars manage their energy while driving. In my work I have analysed how current tools are used in practice and identified several issues with too simplistic displays. The main outcome presented as a core part of my doctoral thesis points towards empowering electric car drivers by unfolding parts of the complexity of energy consumption while driving. 

Virtual Reality Electric Vehicle Simulator

In this project we are building a Virtual Reality Electric Vehicle Simulator. The vehicle simulates battery consumption and recharging and allows us to test various kinds of visualisation to support driver decision making and planning. The virtual environment allows us to test scenarious otherwise difficult to study in real settings. 

Dissertation: Designing Energy-Sensitive Interactions: Conceptualising Energy from the Perspective of Electric Cars

Differentiated Driving Range: Exploring a Solution to the Problems with the Guess-O-Meter in Electric Cars

COPE1–Taking Control over EV Range

Enough power to move: dimensions for representing energy availability

Getting to know electric cars through an app

Design Research Society (DRS) conference, Boston, USA, June 24-28, 2024
Lundström, Anders; Björnfot, Patrik; Sahlin, William; et al.
MUM '23: Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Multimedia, ACM Digital Library 2023 : 377-385
Hedlund, Martin; Lundström, Anders; Bogdan, Cristian; et al.
Human-Computer Interaction – INTERACT 2023. INTERACT 2023, Springer 2023 : 231-251
Nordin Forsberg, Britta; Lundström, Anders; Gulliksen, Jan
AMCIS 2023 Proceedings: SIG Green - Green IS and Sustainability
Saarikko, Ted; Bomark, Sara; Lundström, Anders; et al.
ECIS 2023: Reseach papers
Saarikko, Ted; Lundström, Anders
E3S Web of Conferences: 10th International Conference on Life Cycle Management (LCM 2021)
Brunklaus, Birgit; Chiew, Yoon Lin; Lundström, Anders; et al.
DIS 2022 - Proceedings of the 2022 ACM Designing Interactive Systems Conference: Digital Wellbeing, Association for Computing Machinery, Inc 2022 : 913-924
Lundström, Anders; Fernaeus, Ylva
Human-Computer Interaction - INTERACT 2021: 18th IFIP TC 13 International Conference, Bari, Italy, August 30 – September 3, 2021, Proceedings, Part I, Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 2021 : 502-521
Lundström, Anders; Ghebremikael, Sharon; Fernaeus, Ylva
HTTF 2019: Proceedings of the Halfway to the Future Symposium 2019
Lundström, Anders; Fernaeus, Ylva