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Personalbild Alana Vincent

Alana Vincent

Universitetslektor i religionsvetenskap. Judendom, dialog mellan religioner, religion och litteratur.

Vetenskaplig meritering: Docent
Pedagogisk meritering: Excellent lärare



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Universitetslektor vid Institutionen för idé- och samhällsstudier Enhet: Religionsvetenskap och teologi
A, Humanisthuset, HUM.J.128 Umeå universitet, 901 87 Umeå
Researching global religious landscapes: a methodology between universalism and particularism, Sheffield: Equinox Publishing 2024 : xii-xvi
Vincent, Alana
Political Theology Network 2023
Rose, Marika; Vincent, Alana
Indiana: Indiana University 2023
Vincent, Alana
Political Theology Network 2023
Vincent, Alana
Manchester Metropolitan University; University of Chester 2021
Edelman, Joshua; Vincent, Alana; Kolata, Paulina; et al.
Entanglements and weavings: diffractive approaches to gender and love, Brill Academic Publishers 2021 : 159-174
Vincent, Alana
Encyclopedia of the Bible and its reception: mass – midnight, Walter de Gruyter 2020 : 555-567
Avery-Peck, Alan J.; Dahlke, Benjamin; Levtow, Nathaniel; et al.
Encyclopedia of the Bible and its reception: mass - midnight, Walter de Gruyter 2020 : 190-193
Hülden, Oliver; Vincent, Alana
Interreligious Studies and Intercultural Theology, Equinox Publishing 2020, Vol. 4, (2) : 201-223
Vincent, Alana
Interreligious relations and the negotiation of ritual boundaries: explorations in interrituality, Palgrave Macmillan 2019 : 179-196
Vincent, Alana M.
Literature & Theology, Oxford University Press 2018, Vol. 32, (2) : 127-130
Fisk, Anna; Vincent, Alana M.
Everyday social justice and citizenship: perspectives for the 21st century, Routledge 2018 : 42-56
Vincent, Alana
Religion in the European refugee crisis, Palgrave Macmillan 2018 : 187-204
Vincent, Alana M.
The ethos of history: time and responsibility, Berghahn Books 2018 : 175-191
Vincent, Alana M.
Journal of the Bible and Its Reception, Walter de Gruyter 2017, Vol. 4, (2) : 319-329
Vincent, Alana M.
European Judaism, Berghahn Books 2017, Vol. 50, (1) : 32-40
Vincent, Alana M.
Jewish Quarterly, Routledge 2015, Vol. 62, (3) : 10-15
Vincent, Alana
Literature and Theology, Oxford University Press 2015, Vol. 30, (4) : 381-397
Vincent, Alana
Jewish Culture and History, Routledge 2014, Vol. 15, (3) : 265-267
Vincent, Alana
Jewish thought, Utopia, and revolution, Rodopi 2014 : 95-109
Vincent, Alana M.
Religious stereotyping and interreligious relations, Palgrave Macmillan 2013 : 247-253
Vincent, Alana
Culture and Religion, Routledge 2012, Vol. 13, (1) : 65-66
Vincent, Alana; Clague, Julie
Cambridge Scholars Publishing 2012
Vincent, Alana M.
Making sense of, 71
Anderson, Elizabeth; Maddrell, Avril; McLoughlin, Kate; et al.
Memory, mourning, landscape, Rodopi 2010 : 147-163
Vincent, Alana
Mythlore, Mythopoeic Society 2008, Vol. 26, (3-4) : 101-116
Vincent, Alana