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ISSN: 0349-5612
Inga fler publikationer kommer att ges ut i denna serie.25. Group norms, types of problems and group compositions on group- and subsequent individual performancesSture Sjödin, 1982.24. Social decision schemes of the same dyads and tetrads on two different disjunctive tasksThor Egerbladh, 1981.23. Attribution of aggressiveness and judgment of behavior as right or wrongOlle Holm, 1980.22. The effects of intent, reason and harm on attribution of aggressionOlle Holm, 1980.21. Meetings between student and institutional perspectivesSigbrit Franke-Wikberg, 1979.20. Group problem solving of non-heureka disjunctive task: ability level, group size and subsequent individual performanceSture Sjödin, 1979.19. Subjective structures in linguistic recurrenceJarl Backman, 1978.18. Sentence production with homonymous and polysemous wordsJarl Backman, 1978.17. Semantic variability and word comprehensionJarl Backman, 1978.16. Perception of polysemyJarl Backman, 1978.15. Word comprehension as function of syntactic category of content wordsJarl Backman, 1978.14. Task difficulty ability level and group size: a test of the theory of social decision schemesThor Egerbladh, 1977.13. Literacy schools in a rural society: a study of Yemissrach Dimts literacy campaign in EthiopiaMargareta Sjöström och Rolf Sjöström, 1977.12. The history of literacy in Sweden: in comparison with some other countriesEgil Johansson, 1977.11. Effects of group learning in grade fourThor Egerbladh, 1976.10. Reading comprehension and perceived comprehensibility of lexical density at discourse and sentence levelJarl Backman, 1976.9. The function of group-size and ability level on solving a multidimensional complementary taskThor Egerbladh, 1976.8. The occurrence of test-wiseness and the possibility of inducing it via instruction: a cross-sectional studyIngvar Nilsson, 1975.7. On test-wiseness and some related constructsIngvar Nilsson och Ingemar Wedman, 1974.6. Some common word attributes and their relations to objective frequency countsJarl Backman, 1974.5. Dropout and pass-rate in higher education: are they useful measures of efficiency?Inga Elgqvist-Saltzman, 1974.4. Reliability, validity, and discrimination measures for criterion-referenced testsIngemar Wedman, 1973.3. Theoretical problems in construction of criterion-referenced testsIngemar Wedman, 1973.2. Literacy and society in a historical perspective: a conference reportEgil Johansson (ed.), Roger S. Schofield, 1973.1. Readability of staves with different line and note distancesJarl Backman och Allan Lindahl, 1973.