NYHET John Waterworth, professor vid institutionen för informatik, är aktuell med två nya böcker som tar upp begreppet ”presence”, känslan av närvaro, i datormedierad miljöer.
Den första boken, Feeling Present in the Physical World and in Computer-Mediated Environments, har John Waterworth skrivit tillsammans med professor Giuseppe Riva, Catholic University, Milano. Boken är utgiven av Palgrave Macmillan som den första volymen av deras nya serie om Cyberpsychology.
I boken redogörs för varför vi känner närvaro eller brist på närvaro i den fysiska världen och i datormedierade miljöer, och varför denna fråga är viktig för design, psykoterapi, verktygsanvändning och social kreativitet.
John Waterworth kommenterar bokens innehåll med orden: ”Since the extent to which presence is experienced in a technology-mediated interactive context can be manipulated by design, and in almost unlimited ways, we can use explorations with mediated presence to provide new insights into the psychology of presence in both the physical and technology-mediated worlds.”
Den andra boken, Interacting with Presence: HCI and the Sense of Presence in Computer-mediated Environments, är utgiven av De Gruyter Open, med professor Giuseppe Riva, Catholic, University, Milano, professor John Waterworth från Umeå universitet, och Dianne Murray, tidskriften Interacting with Computers, som redaktörer.
John Waterworth presenterar boken med orden:
“The experience of using and interacting with the newest Virtual Reality and computing technologies is profoundly affected by the extent to which we feel ourselves to be really ‘present’ in computer-mediated worlds. This feeling of 'Presence’, of ’being inside the mediated world’, is key to understanding developments in applications such as interactive entertainment, gaming, psychotherapy, education, scientific visualisation, sports training and rehabilitation, and many more.“
“This edited volume, featuring contributions from internationally renowned scholars, provides a comprehensive introduction to and overview of the topic of mediated presence and of the emerging field of presence research. It is intended for researchers and graduate students in human-computer interaction, cognitive science, psychology, cyberpsychology and computer science, as well as for experienced professionals from the ICT industry.”
Redaktör: Mikael Hansson
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