Anna Arnqvist Björklund. Institutionen för medicinsk kemi och biofysik, 1,8 miljoner till projektet Helicobacter pylori - Molecular mechanisms that promote persistent infection which can cause damages to the host cell and development of gastric cancer
Martin Cohn, Institutionen för molekylärbiologi, 3 milj, Molecular understanding of the childhood cancer syndrome Fanconi Anemia - potential for therapeutic opportunities.
Sofie Degerman, Institutionen för klinisk mikrobiologi, 2,4 milj, DNA methylation as a tool to personalize the treatment of T-cell malignancies.
Sophia Harlid, 2,4 milj, Institutionen för diagnostik och intervention, Environmental exposures during windows of susceptibility and implications for breast cancer risk and prevention.
Andreas Josefsson, 3 milj, Institutionen för diagnostik och intervention, Development of novel treatment predictive methods for high-risk prostate cancer – markers for early and acquired resistance mechanisms in clinical samples.
Beatrice Melin, Institutionen för diagnostik och intervention, 6 milj, Understanding glioma etiology - a complex disease requires diverse approaches to therapy.
Tufve Nyholm, Institutionen för diagnostik och intervention, 3 milj, Understanding the characteristics of prostate cancer through imaging - paving the way for intensified radiotherapy.
Silvia Remeseiro, UCMM, 3 milj, New targets to blockneuron-to-glioma synapses in glioblastoma: disrupting malignant gene regulatory networks.
Pernilla Wikström, Institutionen för medicinsk biovetenskap, 3,75 milj, Metastasis heterogeneities provide possibilities for personalized therapy of patients with aggressive prostate cancer.
Sara Wilson, Institutionen för medicinsk och translationell biologi, 3 milj, Identifying druggable targets of nerve-tumor interactions.
Totalt ger Cancerfonden i denna omgång 887 miljoner kronor till cirka 200 forskningsprojekt runt om i Sverige.