Cirkulärt mode? En studie om särkoppling bland svenska klädföretag
I en just publicerad artikel i Journal of Cleaner Production undersöker RiseB: s Herman Stål tillsammans med Hervé Corvellec, Lunds Universitet, hur svenska klädföretag hanterar ökande krav på avfallsansvar genom särkoppling.
Artikeln är del av en större studie om hur cirkularitet införs och implementeras bland svenska klädföretag.
“Drawing on the concept of decoupling, from institutional theory in organizational studies, this paper explains how organizations mitigate demands for circularity. Seven Swedish apparel companies that have started collecting used clothes as a form of engagement with circular business models serve as case studies. The paper shows how outsourcing and internal separation allow these companies to buffer their business model and core way of creating value from emerging demands. It also shows how companies pro-actively work at influencing institutional demands for circularity by making these demands compatible with their own interests. The concept of decoupling thereby provides key insights into the development and implementation, or absence thereof, of circular business models”