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Würzburg International Autumn School on Lasting Learning

Tid Måndag 9 oktober till fredag 13 oktober, 2023 kl. 09:00 - 17:00
Plats Würzburg, Germany

We are pleased to announce the Würzburg International Autumn School on Lasting Learning 2023 that will take place in Würzburg, Germany, from October 9–13, 2023.

Keynote lectures as well as in-depth hot-topic sessions and methodological workshops will be offered by leading experts in the field to enhance participants’ knowledge and methodological skills. Master’s students, PhD students, and postdocs from around the world are invited. All lectures and courses will be held in English.

The keynote speakers are the following:
- Prof. Dr. Veronica Yan (University of Texas at Austin, USA): Going beyond the interleaving effect: Mechanisms underlying generalizability and heterogeneity.

- Prof. Dr. Shana Carpenter (Iowa State University, USA): The benefits of “pretrieval practice”: Why it is useful to ask students questions before they learn.

- Prof. Dr. Alexander Renkl (University of Freiburg, Germany): Exploiting “laboratory effects” in the field: Why theory is key.

- Prof. Dr. Steven Pan (National University of Singapore, Singapore): The pedagogical benefits of guessing: Evidence from pretesting, prequestions, and errorful generation research.

- Prof. Dr. Garvin Brod (Leibniz Institute for Research and Information in Education & Goethe University Frankfurt, Germany): Gauging the effects of generative learning activities: In the lab and in the wild.

For the full program and more detailed information about the Autumn School and the application process, please visit https://go.uniwue.de/autumnschool-lastinglearning

Thanks to generous funding from the German Research Foundation and the Human Dynamics Centre of the University of Würzburg, there is no tuition fee for accepted participants. Apply here by July 15, 2023: https://www.psychologie.uni-wuerzburg.de/en/paepsy/wuerzburg-international-autumn-school-on-lasting-learning-2023/application-and-requirements/

The Würzburg International Autumn School on Lasting Learning is organized by the DFG Research Unit “Lasting learning: Cognitive mechanisms and effective instructional implementation” (FOR 5254), which involves eight research groups in Germany on lasting learning.

If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us at lasting.learning@uni-wuerzburg.de

Evenemangstyp: Kurs/Utbildning