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"Transformationsögonblick" i förhistorien om växtlivsmedelsproduktion i Europa

Tid Torsdag 25 maj, 2023 kl. 13:00 - 15:00
Plats HUM.J.118 (HE109)

Högre seminariet i arkeologi och miljöarkeologi bjuder in till seminarium med Dr. Dragana Filipović, Institute for Prehistory and Protohistory, University of Kiel, Germany. Seminariet har den engelska titeln: "‘Transformational moments’ in the prehistory of plant food production in south-eastern and north-central Europe".

Abstract (på engelska): 

Food production is a dynamic socio-ecological system shaped by a/biotic environmental factors, economic goals and social context. In prehistory, food systems globally were undergoing small- and large-scale changes, reconstructed from material evidence in archaeological layers. Developments that effected impactful, transformational change in economy and society included introduction of new food sources and production techniques. The potential of these developments to actually make a change, to transform communities and their activities, likely depended on whether they unfolded at the ‘right time’ – during some critical moments witnessed by economy or society.

This talk will present archaeobotanical and select archaeological evidence of key developments in plant food production during the last six millennia of prehistory in south-eastern and north-central regions of Europe, assembled through research within the Collaborative Research Centre 1266 at the University of Kiel, Germany. It will situate the findings within their socio-economic and environmental context and suggest the combination of factors that created transformational moments in plant food production. Wider ramifications of the changes will be considered, including their impact on the local and regional food systems and household production.

Obs! Seminariet ges på engelska.

Om seminarieserien

I Högre seminariet i arkeologi och miljöarkeologi presenteras och diskuteras aktuell forskning inom arkeologi och miljöarkeologi.
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Evenemangstyp: Seminarium