Välkomna till en temadag om Digital humaniora! Under dagen bjuds deltagarna på två keynotes samt kortare presentationer av Humlabs forskare samt labbets affilierade forskare. Syftet med temadagen är att diskutera digitala humaniora som forskningsfält och dess framtida riktningar.
The future of Digital Humanities research – DH today and tomorrow
10.45–12.00 Short presentations by affiliated researchers
Pelle Snickars: “DH & Media Studies” Daniel Kjellander: “Constraints in Lexical Blending: why Blends make a strong case for a Cognitive Linguistics Perspective” Gavin Feller: “Mormon Media” Annika Egan Sjölander: “Communication for sustainability in the Anthropocene” Jesper Enbom: “Political Surveillance with Consent? Voter Data Collection and Microtargeting in Swedish Political Parties” Moa Sandström: “Decolonising Sámi Artivism” Satish Patel: “Multi-modal dissemination of DH research”
14:00–15.00 Short presentations by affiliated researchers
Philip Buckland: “Databases and stuff” Eavan O'Dochartaigh “Arctic Visible: Picturing Indigenous Communities in the Nineteenth-Century Western Arctic” Johan Jarlbrink: “Hard drive archaeology” Per Sandström: “Building bridges between knowledge systems and over highways towards connected landscapes” Ben Martin: “The ‘Culture’ of International Society: Using Digital Text Analysis for the Intellectual History of Cultural Diplomacy”