We welcome you to Humlab’s first Tech Breakfast of the semester. On Thursday 6/2 we meet in Humlab on campus and start with coffee and breakfast at 8 am. Our first meeting will first be dedicated to discuss three texts on the theme research visualizations.
Maps, graphs and trees – these are some of the ways in which research is presented. Graphical tools may be used as rhetorical assets to present research findings. Colorful lines and patterns can be persuasive, which also points to the tools’ potentially deceptive nature. This breakfast we discuss some key texts that highlight both the strength of visualizations and the need to critically interpret them.
Shannon Mattern (2015) Mission Control: A History of the Urban Dashboard, Places Journal, March 2015. https://doi.org/10.22269/150309
Helen Kennedy, Rosemary Lucy Hill, Giorgia Aiello & William Allen (2016) The work that visualisation conventions do, Information, Communication & Society, 19: 6, 715-735. https://doi.org/10.1080/1369118X.2016.1153126