INSTÄLLT Seminarium om karriärvägar för forskarstuderande
Onsdag 27 maj, 2020kl. 11:00 - 14:00
VIP konferensrum, Unod T9
The Medical faculty invites its doctoral students and recent graduates to participate in a seminar focusing on how you may develop your career once you completed your PhD.
11.00-11.30 Johan Trygg, Head of advanced Data Analysitcs, Satorius
11.30-12.00 "Innovation as your driving force" Thomas Gustafsson, Innovation strategist, Innovationssluss Region Västerbotten.
12:00-12:30 "How to continue your academic career after your PhD, and where to find support to help you do so." Ronnie Berntsson, Future faculty
12.30-13.00 Light lunch
13:00-13.30 "Combining research and clinical work – and academic leadership" Patrik Danielson, MD, Professor and Dean of the Faculty of Medicine
13:30-14:00 "Umeå – a city with growing life science opportunities" Jennie Ekbek, CEO of Umeå Biotech Incubator