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Luise Mirow: Expressiva lögner?

Tid Onsdag 2 juni, 2021 kl. 13:15 - 15:00
Plats Distans via Zoom

Högre seminariet i filosofi bjuder in till seminarium med Luise Mirow. Seminariets engelska titel är "Expressive Lies?"

Abstract (På engelska): In this talk, I will investigate the question whether expressivists can make sense of lying. Definitions of lying usually require an assertion that is believed to be false, and assertions require propositional content that is truth-evaluable. Expressivists, on the other hand, explain the meaning of statements by explaining the state of mind the speaker expresses with the statement. That is, expressivist content is not propositional, which – at least at first sight – is a problem if expressivists want to make sense of lying. If expressivists can make sense of lying, we might need to adapt existing definitions of lying. If expressivists cannot make sense of lying, we might have a good argument against expressivism.

Observera att seminariet ges på engelska. Alla intresserade är välkomna att delta! 

Distansseminarium via Zoom. Deltagarlänk skickas ut via epost till alla medlemmar på seminariets utskickslista någon dag innan seminariet. Övriga intresserade kan få deltagarlänk genom att kontakta seminarieansvarig.

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Evenemangstyp: Seminarium
Personalbild Luise Mirow
Luise Mirow
Läs om Luise Mirow
Pär Sundström
Läs om Pär Sundström