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Tid Tisdag 25 mars, 2025 kl. 15:15 - 16:00
Plats HUM.H.119

Umeå Cognitive Science Seminar bjuder in till ett seminarium med Linus Holm, Umeå universitet. Seminariet ges på engelska och har den engelska titeln "The innate need to know: Motivation for cognition as a foundation for autonomous generally intelligent systems".

Abstract (på engelska): Human cognition is usually assumed in the cognitive sciences – but what motivates us to use cognition? In this talk I will argue that the human native desire to know might constitute a core principle for any epistemic autonomous system. I demonstrate how experimental results from the lab involving sensorimotor tasks, vocabulary learning, second language learning, and logical problem solving all violate the information value theory which is a core assumption in reinforcement learning and utility theory. I cursorily sketch an alternative model for innately motivated cognition and invite a discussion on what compels us to think for its own sake.

Bios Linus Holm 2025 (på engelska): Holm graduated from the Cognitive Science Master’s program in 2002 and received his PhD in Psychology 2007 at Umeå University, and returned to Umeå after a post doc visit at the University of Minnesota and UCLA.
Holm studies information seeking for learning including gaze control in object and scene recognition, as well as feedback selection in vocabulary learning and logical problem-solving. Over the last decade, Holm has focused on the intrinsic motivation for cognition using information theoretic models. This research asks why humans value thinking for its own sake and what environmental factors and prior knowledge predict the subjective value of knowledge.

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Evenemangstyp: Seminarium
Personalbild Linus Holm
Linus Holm
Läs om Linus Holm
Pär Sundström
Läs om Pär Sundström
Johan Eriksson
Läs om Johan Eriksson