Lars Lindblom: Skäl, allmänna värderingar och prioriteringar
Onsdag 6 december, 2023kl. 13:15 - 15:00
HUM.H.119 (HD108)
Högre seminariet i filosofi bjuder in till seminarium med Lars Lindblom, Linköping. Seminariet har den engelska titeln "Reasons, Public Values, and Priority Setting".
Abstract (på engelska): Empirical studies of publics values are used for input in health care priority setting. They are taken to provide reasons for particular policies with regards to priorities. This presentation will look at the practice of priority setting and the use of such empirical studies for the perspective of the theory of reasons put forward by philosophers such as Derek Parfit, T.M. Scanlon and Charles Larmore. In general, this theory says that a reason consist in a relationship between an empirical phenomenon in the world and the interests of an agent. Such interests are empirical, as is the relationships between these two relata. There are, hence, three kinds of facts that needs to be captured if empirical studies of social values are to identify reasons for priority setting. Conversely, there are three different salient ways in which such studies may fail to identify reasons. Using this framework for thinking of reasons may also be helpful in indicating empirical research that could uncover further relevant reasons for priority setting. This presentation will outline this approach to reasons, empirical studies of publics values and priority setting, and bring it to bear on examples from the priority setting process during the recent covid pandemic.
Observera att seminariet ges på engelska. Alla intresserade är välkomna att delta!