Humlab HITS: Ethics Support Group featuring Charles Ess
Onsdag 13 november, 2019kl. 13:15 - 15:00
Inom ramen för Humlab Ethics Support Group bjuder vi in till en workshop som leds av professor Charles Ess. Under workshopen ges deltagande forskare möjlighet att diskutera och få feedback på sina egna forskningsprojekt som rör empiriskt material som samlats på internet. Workshopen hålls på engelska.
Sign up
Sign up is required. Please write a 1-2 page description of your research project, including research questions, methodology, etc. and then a careful account of what you see as the primary ethical challenges you are concerned about, stuck on, etc. Send your description to marked "Umeå research ethics workshop" in the subject line; deadline November 8.
In preparation, please read the AoIR Ethical Guidelines 3.0 for research on and about the Internet. We will make these available to registered workshop participants as early as possible.
About Charles Ess
Charles Ess, philosopher and a professor in the Media Department at the University of Oslo, will during this Humlab Talk present the third revision of the Association of Internet Researchers’ ethical guidelines. Ess led the Association of Internet Researchers' first Ethics Working Group, leading to a report in 2002, and has continued to be deeply involved in the work, with new guidelines being issued in 2012, and a third revision to be released in the autumn of 2019.