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Högre seminarium: Samuel Merrill

Tid Onsdag 5 juni, 2019 kl. 10:15 - 12:00
Plats C304, Beteendevetarhuset

Togetherness after Terror: Commemorative Public Atmospheres during the Manchester Bombing’s First Anniversary

In this seminar Samuel will very briefly present the first article expected from a pilot research project carried out in 2018 with Angharad Closs-Stephens (Swansea University, UK), Shanti Sumartojo (Monash University, Australia), and Martin Coward (Manchester University, UK) on the digital and spatial affects of the 22 May 2017 Manchester bombing. Rather than present the article in detail, he is instead inviting seminar attendees to read the article in advance. To receive a copy please contact him directly (samuel.merrill@umu.se).

Most of the seminar will be dedicated to an informal discussion about the article between himself and those who have read it. Thereafter, he will share the article’s first-round reviewer comments as a concluding point of discussion.

Seminariet ges på engelska.

Evenemangstyp: Seminarium
Personalbild Samuel Merrill
Samuel Merrill
Läs om Samuel Merrill