Onsdag 25 juni till fredag 27 juni, 2025kl. 00:00 - 00:00
Umeå University, Umeå Sweden
EdgeNet is hosting our second paper workshop and field trip - this time in beautiful Norrland, Sweden at Umeå University. And you are invited to join in! CFP now open, through 28 February for abstract submissions to bring a work-in-progress for constructive and in-depth peer-to-peer feedback at our summer workshop which will, of course, also include field trips and opportunities to learn about peripheral regional development dynamics in northern Sweden. See full CFP below, and find additional info here: https://edgenet-rsa.weebly.com/umearing-summer-workshop-2025.html
CFP: Peripheries Research on the Edge Summer Workshop
Abstracts due by 28 February
The political rediscovery of so-called ‘left-behind places’ has raised research interest in peripheral places and regions. Yet headline narratives about peripheries continue to collapse the complex and multi-dimensional roles of the many places that are ‘non-core’, or on the ‘edge’ of core activities, including but not limited to rural, semi-rural, post-industrial, de-populating, remote and otherwise peripheralised or marginalised areas. This workshop aims to bring together interdisciplinary and international researchers with early- to mid-stage projects on peripheral and ‘edgy’ topics in preparation for a special issue on present and future directions in peripheral regions research.
This year, we are going to Umeå for our Edgenet on Tour, 3 day workshop. The format will be a combination of an in-depth paper workshop with peer-to-peer feedback on works in progress of various lengths (see options below); and then the opportunity to discuss these ideas in depth out in the field through site visits to learn more about peripheral development dynamics in Northern Sweden. See our 'events' page post about our 2024 Cornwall, England workshop for an idea of what to expect.
Taking advantage of some fascinating examples of peripheral development being explored by our Umeå hosts, which open many complex questions, this year we will focus our summer workshop on questions around natural capital and green industrial revolutions, with an emphasis on the themes of Temporality, Hope, and Over/Under investment in peripheral areas. Papers should consider novel analyses of development questions, policy learning from other regions, and empirical and theoretical material which address solutions and approaches to economic, societal, and environmental challenges in peripheries. You might consider past and present examples of major investment opportunities that were grabbed or missed, or places which have been simply overlooked. We welcome empirical and theoretical contributions to the following indicative questions.
What happened, why, and what can (edgy) policy learn moving forward? Are there any particular factors, or structures which have meant that resources have become (or failed to become) operationalised? What are the long-term effects of over/under investment, and how do places go from being super-central, to peripheral? And where do people figure in all of this? Do people who live in areas that experience heavy investment always benefit? If not, why not? What can we do to bring attention to 'place' and place-based issues in peripheral regions and spaces?
Call for papers: if you are interested in joining us in Umeå, please submit your abstracts by 28 February 2025 to Madeleine Eriksson at madeleine.eriksson@umu.se Our collective work will focus on developing extended abstracts (up to 2,000 words) and/or papers-in-progress (up to 7,000 words) towards special issue publication focused on putting forward a research agenda on, and for, peripheral regions. Empirical and conceptual contributions are welcome. Researchers at all career stages are encouraged to attend, including PhD students and early career researchers.