Demonstration of individual studyplan (ISP) in Ladok - English
Torsdag 7 november, 2024kl. 13:00 - 14:00
Welcome to a demonstration via Zoom of individual study plans (ISP) for doctoral students in Ladok! The demonstration is primarily for supervisors, decision-makers and doctoral students, but everyone interested is welcome. No pre-registration is required.
As from September 1, 2024, ISP in Ladok is mandatory to use for newly admitted doctoral students. The Students Records Office (Ladokgruppen) now invites you to an open viewing of the individual study plan in Ladok. During the demonstration, you will get an introduction to how the system support works and how to get started with the work. There will be an opportunity to ask questions after the demonstration.
Recorded introductions and manuals
The Students Records Office also provides recorded introductions of the ISP in Ladok, as well as manuals for supervisors, decision-makers and doctoral students. These can be found at the bottom of the Individual Study Plan page in Ladok in Aurora. Select English as your language in the right corner of the page.