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Hungarian Neolithic crops and diet – signs of cultural decisions?"

Tid Torsdag 20 april, 2023 kl. 13:00 - 14:30
Plats HUM.J.118 (HE109)

Högre seminariet i arkeologi och miljöarkeologi bjuder in till seminarium med Professor Angela Kreuz, Landesamt für Denkmalpflege Hessen, Sachgebiet Naturwissenschaften, Archa¨obotanik, Schloß Biebrich/Ostflu¨gel, 65203 Wiesbaden, Germany. Seminariet har den engelska titeln "Hungarian Neolithic crops and diet – signs of cultural decisions?"

The development of agriculture and diet of Neolithic archaeological cultures in Europe is a very complex subject that calls for an interdisciplinary synopsis. Archaeobotanical investigations have been carried out in the context of research projects concerning Early Neolithic agriculture and land use in Hungary, Austria and Germany. The different crop spectra of the Late Starčevo, Late Körös, Transdanubian and Alföld Linear Pottery Culture (Linearbandkeramik, LBK) and Szakálhát distribution areas will be discussed in the context of their Balkan roots, their possible role in human diet as well as their reflection of the different archaeological cultures.

Om seminarieserien

I Högre seminariet i arkeologi och miljöarkeologi presenteras och diskuteras aktuell forskning inom arkeologi och miljöarkeologi.
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