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Institutionen för omvårdnad
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Patient reported fatigue after proton therapy for malignant brain tumours: is there a relation between radiation dose and brain structures?
Radiotherapy and Oncology
, Elsevier 2025, Vol. 202
Kristensen, Ingrid; Langegård, Ulrica; Björk-Eriksson, Thomas; et al.
Parenthood against the clock: experiences of being a parent with congenital heart disease - a qualitative study
Progress in pediatric cardiology
Holstad, Ylva; Westergren, Agneta; Lindqvist, Maria; et al.
Standardized cancer patient pathways: a perspective from primary healthcare in northern Sweden
Umeå University medical dissertations
, 2339
Fjällström, Petter
Promoting resident thriving in nursing homes: a qualitative study
Journal of Advanced Nursing
, John Wiley & Sons 2025, Vol. 81, (1) : 399-408
Baxter, Rebecca; Corneliusson, Laura; Björk, Sabine; et al.
Symptom burden among men treated for castration-resistant prostate cancer: a longitudinal study
BMJ Supportive & Palliative Care
, BMJ Publishing Group Ltd 2025, Vol. 15, (1) : 87-95
Rönningås, Ulrika; Fransson, Per; Holm, Maja; et al.
Team behaviour in interprofessional collaboration during trauma alerts: a critical incident study from the perspective of radiographers
Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences
, John Wiley & Sons 2025, Vol. 39, (1)
Bäckström, Marice; Leijon-Sundqvist, Katarina; Lundvall, Lise-Lott; et al.
Is it possible for parents to endure a stillbirth? Initial experiences, perceptions and strategies: individual in-depth interviews in Sweden 2021–2023
BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth
, BioMed Central (BMC) 2025, Vol. 25, (1)
Höglund, Berit; Hildingsson, Ingegerd
I become your extended arms: how distance and technology redefine teamwork in rural distributed emergency teams
Umeå University medical dissertations
, 2329
Morian, Hanna
Risk factors for loneliness among older informal caregivers in regions of Finland and Sweden: a longitudinal study
Scandinavian Journal of Public Health
Åkerman, Sarah; Nyqvist, Fredrica; Nygård, Mikael; et al.
Respiratory morbidity before and during the COVID-19 pandemic from birth to 18 months in a Swedish birth cohort
Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology
Kelderer, Fanny; Granåsen, Gabriel; Holmlund, Sophia; et al.
Framing person-centred leadership in residential care: a cross-cultural adaptation of the aged-care clinical leadership qualities framework
Journal of Clinical Nursing
Backman, Annica C.; Sundström, Malin; Jeon, Yun-Hee; et al.
Cardiac troponin and increased mortality risk among individuals with restrictive spirometric pattern on lung function testing
European Clinical Respiratory Journal
, Taylor & Francis 2025, Vol. 12, (1)
Johansson, Sara; Sandin, Petra; Lindgren, Lenita; et al.
Becoming whole again—caring for the self in chronic illness—a narrative review of qualitative empirical studies
Journal of Clinical Nursing
, John Wiley & Sons 2025, Vol. 34, (3) : 754-771
Hajdarevic, Senada; Norberg, Astrid; Lundman, Berit; et al.
Promoting personal recovery within psychiatric inpatient care: nurses' experiences
International Journal of Mental Health Nursing
, John Wiley & Sons 2025, Vol. 34, (1)
Hallberg, Patrick; Hällgren Graneheim, Ulla; Olsson-Tall, Maivor
In-home work environment for home care workers in Northern Sweden before and during the Covid-19 pandemic
BMC Health Services Research
, BioMed Central (BMC) 2025, Vol. 25, (1)
Norström, Fredrik; Bölenius, Karin; Sahlen, Klas-Göran; et al.
'A question of time and work-situation': a cluster analysis of Swedish midwives' levels of burnout and attitudes towards midwifery continuity of care
, Elsevier 2025, Vol. 143
Fahlbeck, Hanna; Hildingsson, Ingegerd; Larsson, Birgitta; et al.
Exploring patients’ opportunities for participation in meetings with a contact nurse, prior to cancer treatment: an interview study
European Journal of Oncology Nursing
, Elsevier 2025, Vol. 75
Westman, Bodil; Bergenmar, Mia; Sharp, Lena; et al.
Role of general practitioner-led rural community hospitals in Sweden: a qualitative study
BMJ Open
, BMJ Publishing Group Ltd 2025, Vol. 15, (2)
Hedman, Mante; Wennberg, Patrik; Sjöström, Malin; et al.
Moving between doing and being - Meanings of person-centredness as narrated by nursing home managers: A phenomenological hermeneutical study
Nursing Open
, John Wiley & Sons 2024, Vol. 11, (1)
Backman, Annica C.; Sjögren, Karin; Lövheim, Hugo; et al.
Awareness of cardiovascular risk among persons with type 2 diabetes: a qualitative study
International Journal of Qualitative Studies on Health and Well-being
, Taylor & Francis 2024, Vol. 19, (1)
Jutterström, Lena; Stenlund, Anna-Lena; Otten, Julia; et al.
Translation, adaptation, and validation of the swedish serious illness conversation guide
Journal of Palliative Care
, Sage Publications 2024, Vol. 39, (1) : 21-28
Andersson, Sofia; Granat, Lisa; Baxter, Rebecca; et al.
Symptoms during pregnancy in primiparous women with congenital heart disease
Scandinavian Cardiovascular Journal
, Taylor & Francis 2024, Vol. 58, (1)
Bay, Annika; Berghammer, Malin; Burström, Åsa; et al.
Chemical incident preparedness among emergency medical service personnel
International Journal of Paramedicine
, National EMS Management Association 2024, (5) : 103-117
Gyllencreutz, Lina; Karlsson, Sofia; Sjölander, Andreas; et al.
Omvårdnad för barn och unga - på avancerad nivå
, Lund: Studentlitteratur AB 2024 : 403-420
Ringnér, Anders; Rullander, Anna-Clara
Psychiatric inpatient care for persons with dissociative identity disorder: a scoping review protocol
BMJ Open
, BMJ Publishing Group Ltd 2024, Vol. 14, (2)
Söderberg, Anja; Lindgren, Britt-Marie; Looi, Git-Marie Ejneborn; et al.
Urogenitala sjukdomar
Omvårdnad för barn och unga: på avancerad nivå
, Lund: Studentlitteratur AB 2024 : 395-402
Rullander, Anna-Clara
Developmental outcomes in Italian young cancer survivors: the effect of lack of social support in physical activity practice on quality of life and mental health
Journal of Community and Applied Social Phychology
, John Wiley & Sons 2024, Vol. 34, (2)
Gentile, Ambra; Bartolo, Luca Di; Ficarra, Salvatore; et al.
Can equity in care be achieved for stigmatized patients? Discourses of ideological dilemmas in perioperative care
BMC Health Services Research
, BioMed Central (BMC) 2024, Vol. 24, (1)
Härgestam, Maria; Lindgren, Lenita; Jacobsson, Maritha
Symptoms and quality of life among men starting treatment for metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer: a prospective multicenter study
BMC Palliative Care
, BioMed Central (BMC) 2024, Vol. 23, (1)
Rönningås, Ulrika; Holm, Maja; Fransson, Per; et al.
Exploring cross-boundary collaborationfor youth mental health in Sweden: a qualitative study using the integrativeframework for collaborative governance
BMC Health Services Research
, BioMed Central (BMC) 2024, Vol. 24
Richter Sundberg, Linda; Gotfredsen, Anne; Christianson, Monica; et al.
Transient receptor potential Ankyrin 1 Ion channel is expressed in Osteosarcoma and its activation reduces viability
International Journal of Molecular Sciences
, MDPI 2024, Vol. 25, (7)
Hudhud, Lina; Rozmer, Katalin; Kecskés, Angéla; et al.
Swedish translation and psychometric testing of the self-conscious emotions in COPD questionnaire
Respiratory Medicine
, Elsevier 2024, Vol. 226
Lundell, Sara; Isaksson, Ulf; Coe, Anna-Britt; et al.
Differences in health-related quality of life between native and foreign-born gynaecological cancer patients in Sweden: a five-year cross-sectional study
Quality of Life Research
, Springer Nature 2024, Vol. 33 : 667-678
Karlsson Rosenblad, Andreas; Westman, Bodil; Bergkvist, Karin; et al.
Illness perceptions and health-related quality of life in women and men with atrial fibrillation
Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing
, Wolters Kluwer 2024, Vol. 39, (1) : 49-57
Holmlund, Lena; Hörnsten, Carl; Valham, Fredrik; et al.
Aspects of occupational safety: a survey among European cancer nurses
European Journal of Oncology Nursing
, Elsevier 2024, Vol. 70
Sharp, Lena; Fransson, Per; Fowler, Matthew; et al.
Patients’ experiences of atrial fibrillation and an evaluation of a nurse-led person-centred clinic
Umeå University medical dissertations
, 2295
Holmlund, Lena
Psychometric evaluation of the early postnatal questionnaire for Swedish population
Journal of Reproductive and Infant Psychology
Hildingsson, Ingegerd
Effects of resistance training on sleep quality and disorders among individuals diagnosed with cancer: a systematic review and meta‐analysis of randomized controlled trials
Cancer Medicine
, John Wiley & Sons 2024, Vol. 13, (8)
Maric, Dora; Ficarra, Salvatore; Di Bartolo, Luca; et al.
The relationship between sensory impairment and home care client's received care time: A cross-sectional study
Journal of Advanced Nursing
, John Wiley & Sons 2024, Vol. 80, (3) : 1166-1176
Pesonen, Tiina; Corneliusson, Laura; Väisänen, Visa; et al.
Interventions about physical activity and diet and their impact on adolescent and young adult cancer survivors: a Prisma systematic review
Supportive Care in Cancer
, Springer Nature 2024, Vol. 32, (6)
Vasilopoulou, M.; Asimakopoulou, Z.; Velissari, J.; et al.
Patient-reported side effects 1 year after radical prostatectomy or radiotherapy for prostate cancer: a register-based nationwide study
European Urology Oncology
, Elsevier 2024, Vol. 7, (3) : 605-613
Corsini, Christian; Bergengren, Oskar; Carlsson, Stefan; et al.
Being a newly qualified nurse: a Nordic focus group study
Sage Open Nursing
, Sage Publications 2024, Vol. 10
Tast, Anette; Kasén, Anne; Bölenius, Karin; et al.
The chiropractors' dilemma in caring for older patients with musculoskeletal complaints: Collaborate, integrate, coexist, or separate?
, Public Library of Science (PLoS) 2024, Vol. 19, (5)
Bergström, Cecilia; Axén, Iben; Field, Jonathan; et al.
How hereditary cancer risk disclosure to relatives is handled in practice: patient perspectives from a Swedish cancer genetics clinic
Patient Education and Counseling
, Elsevier 2024, Vol. 126
Hawranek, Carolina; Rosén, Anna; Hajdarevic, Senada
Perils and payoffs for patients in serious illness conversations as described by physicians: a qualitative study
BMJ Open Quality
, BMJ Publishing Group Ltd 2024, Vol. 13, (2)
Baxter, Rebecca; Pusa, Susanna; Andersson, Sofia; et al.
The Power Threat Meaning Framework: a qualitative study of depression in adolescents and young adults
Frontiers in Psychiatry
, Frontiers Media S.A. 2024, Vol. 15
Ekbäck, Erik; Rådmark, Lina; Molin, Jenny; et al.
Clinical research nurses perceive their role as being like the hub of a wheel without real power: Empirical qualitative research
Nursing Open
, John Wiley & Sons 2024, Vol. 11, (5)
Backman Lönn, Beatrice; Hörnsten, Åsa; Styrke, Johan; et al.
Exploring registered nurses’ perspectives as mentors for newly qualified nurses: a qualitative interview study
BMJ Open
, BMJ Publishing Group Ltd 2024, Vol. 14, (5)
Kallerhult Hermansson, Stina; Kasén, Anne; Hilli, Yvonne; et al.
Adapting the multiple sclerosis functional composite for telehealth administration using videoconference delivery: methodological considerations and interrater reliability
Archives of Rehabilitation Research and Clinical Translation
, Elsevier 2024, Vol. 6, (2)
Van Denend, Toni; Mathiowetz, Virgil; Preissner, Katharine; et al.
Job satisfaction, professional competence, and self-efficacy: a multicenter cross-sectional study among registered nurses in Sweden and Norway
BMC Health Services Research
, BioMed Central (BMC) 2024, Vol. 24, (1)
Kallerhult Hermansson, Stina; Norström, Fredrik; Hilli, Yvonne; et al.
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