Varje tisdag kl 15:15 i Lilla Hörsalen, KBC-huset, plan 3 (KB.E3.01), om inte annat anges.
Koordinator: Lars-Anders Carlson
Mars 18 - Gisela Brändén, Göteborgs universitet. Titel: "XFEL- and synchrotron-based serial crystallography studies of the membrane-bound proton pump cytochrome c oxidase". Värd: Ronnie Berntsson.
Mars 25 - Linda Johansson, Avd för medicinsk kemi och cellbiologi. Göteborgs universitet. Titel: "Signaling and transport in the human brain". Värd: Paulina Wanrooij.
April 1 - Joana Gomes, i3S - Instituto de Investigação e Inovação em Saúde, University of Porto, Portugal. Titel: "Novel insights on the role of glycosylation in therapy resistance and immune evasion in gastrointestinal cancer". Värd: Thomas Boren.
April 8 - Lucia Fuchslueger, Centre of Microbiology and Environmental Systems Science, University of Vienna, Austria. Värd: Jurgen Schleucher.
April 15 (Påsklov)
April 22 -
April 29 - Karl Kochanowski, IRTA-CReSA Animal Health Research Center, Barcelona, Spain, and guest researcher at IceLab. Titel: "Mapping the in vitro metabolic interaction network of a nasal microbiota community". Värd: Kemal Avican.
Maj 6 - Eric Cascales, Institut de Microbiologie de la Méditerranée and University of Marseille, France. Värd: Ronnie Berntsson.
Obs! TORSDAG Maj 8, 15:15-16:00 - Marco Di Antonio, Imperial College London and the Crick Institute, UK. Värd: Sjoerd Wanrooij
Maj 13 - Eliette Touati, Team Infection, Genotoxicity and Cancer, Department of Microbiology, Institut Pasteur Paris. Titel: “Helicobacter pylori and gastric oncogenesis: from molecular events to gastric cancer biomarkers discovery”. Värd: Thomas Boren.
Maj 20 - Kristian Riesbeck, Lunds universitets cancercentrum (LUCC), Lunds universitet. Värd: Thomas Boren.
Maj 27 - Wolfgang Fischer, Max von Pettenkofer Institute for Hygiene and Medical Microbiology, LMU Munich, Germany. Titel: "Using quantitative translocation reporters to elucidate molecular details of type IV secretion in Helicobacter pylori”. Värd: Thomas Boren.
Juni 3 - Mario Milco D’Elios, Department of Molecular and Developmental Medicine, University of Siena, Italy. Title: “Deciphering the T cell response against Helicobacter pylori in human gastric infection: work in progress for the design of an effective vaccine for gastric cancer”. Host: Thomas Boren.
Juni 10 - Samir El Andaloussi, Institutionen för laboratoriemedicin, KI. Värd: Nasim Sabouri.
Juni 17 - Sebastian Suerbaum, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München. Värd: Thomas Boren.
Augusti 26 -
September 2 -
September 9 -
September 16 -
September 23 -
September 30 -
Oktober 7 -
Oktober 14 -
Oktober 21 -
Oktober 28 (höstlov)
November 4 -
November 11 - KBC DAYS 2025
November 18 -
November 25 -
December 2 -
December 9 -
December 16 -
Tidigare seminarier 2025
Februari 18 - Peter Lind, Institutionen för molekylärbiologi, Umeå universitet. Titel: "Impact of mutation bias on the predictability of experimental evolution". Värd: Anna Arnqvist Björklund.
Februari 25 - Marcin Nowotny, Laboratory of Protein Structure, International Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology, Warsaw, Poland. Titel: "Mechanisms of bacterial DNA repair". Värd: Andrei Chabes.
Mars 11 - UCMR talare: Lukas Kenner, Department of Pathology, Medical University of Vienna, Austria. Titel: "Influence of microplastics on cancer cells and chronic colitis". Värd: Nikola Zlatkov Kolev.
Tidigare seminarier 2024
Januari 23 - Nathaniel Street, Institutionen för fysiologisk botanik, Umeå Plant Science Centre. Title: "Planetary Biology at SciLife and an example application to study fungal interactions with Norway spruce". Värd: Jurgen Schleucher.
Februari 13 - Christos Samakovlis, Institutionen för molekylär biovetenskap, Wenner-Grens institut, Stockholms universitet. Titel: "Unlocking the Secrets of Single Cells: Exploring Developmental Gene Expression Trajectories in Lung Developmental and Disease". Värd: Andrei Chabes.
Februari 20 - Jukka Kallijärvi, Folkhälsan Research Center and Stem Cells and Metabolism Research Program, Faculty of Medicine, University of Helsinki, Finland. Titel: "Surprising insight into mitochondrial physiology, premature aging and c-MYC from mouse model of GRACILE syndrome". Värd: Anders Hofer.
Februari 27 - Carles Ubeda, FISABIO, Valencia, Spain. Titel: "Role of the microbiome in the defense against multidrug-resistant pathogens". Värd: Ignacio Mir Sanchis.
Obs! Onsdag, mars 6, 14.00-15.00 - Daniel Hurdiss, Utrecht University. Titel: "Understanding and combatting coronavirus cell entry". Värd: Lars-Anders Carlson.
Mars 12 - Sarah Richardson, University of Exeter, UK. Titel: "Leveraging new knowledge from the human pancreas to advance and improve understanding and treatment of Type 1 diabetes". Värd: Ulf Ahlgren.
OBS! INSTÄLLT! Mars 19 - Tamir Gonen, Depts. of Biological Chemistry and Physiology, David Geffen School of Medicine, University of California, Los Angeles. Titel: "Quo Vadis MicroED". Värd: Johan Unge.
OBS! Onsdag, mars 27, 13:00 - Alexander Kastaniotis, University of Oulu. Titel: "Mitochondrial fatty acid synthesis and metabolic control of mitochondrial function". Värd: Sjoerd Wanrooij.
April 16 - Pedro J. Batista, Head of the RNA metabolism and epitranscriptomics unit, Center for Cancer Research, NIH, USA. Titel: "Re-wiring of RNA methylation by oncometabolites in kidney cancer". Värd: Francesca Aguiló.
OBS! INSTÄLLT! April 23 - Johan Rockberg, KTH. Värd: Ronnie Berntsson.
OBS! TORSDAG maj 2 - Yoshio Yamaoka, Department of Environmental and Preventive Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Oita University, Yufu, Oita, Japan. Titel: "Helicobacter pylori research; from pathogenesis to human migration". Värd: Thomas Boren.
Maj 7 - Colm Nestor, Institutionen för biomedicinska och kliniska vetenskaper (BKV), Linköpings univeritet. Titel: "DNA methylation and disease; cause, consequence and confusion". Värd: Andrei Chabes.
Maj 14 - Johan Holmberg, Institutionen för molekylärbiologi, Umeå universitet. Titel: "Control of cellular state in differentiated neurons and in neuroblastoma". Värd: Sjoerd Wanrooij.
Maj 21 - Robin Fåhreus, Institut de Génétique Moléculaire, Paris Cité Université, Hôpital St. Louis, Paris, France, and Department of Medical Biosciences, Umeå University. Titel: "MDM2 controls cellular homeostasis by interacting with mRNAs and their encoded proteins". Värd: Nasim Sabouri.
Maj 28 - Jaakko Pohjoismäki, Department of Environmental and Biological Sciences, University of Eastern Finland, Finland. Titel: "Long molecule sequencing techniques to decode mitochondrial DNA maintenance mechanisms". Värd: Sjoerd Wanrooij.
Juni 18 - Rajesh Mishra, School of Biotechnology, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, India. Titel: "Mechanism of alpha lactalbumin amyloid fibril formation and its inhibition". Värd: Ludmilla Morozova-Roche.
OBS! UPPSKJUTET till höstterminen! Thomas A. Kunkel, National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, Research Triangle Park, USA. Värd: Erik Johansson.
Augusti 27 - Susanna Horsefield, Lunds universitet. Titel: "Structural studies of transient complexes involved in human aquaporin trafficking". Värd: Ronnie Berntsson. Aula Biologica, Biologihuset
September 3 - Pär Nordlund, KI. Titel: "How cancer drugs work, and fail – Proteome-wide cellular thermal shift assay (CETSA) to define cellular mechanism of action and resistance of cancer drugs". Värd: Andrei Chabes.
September 10 - Nils-Göran Larsson, Institutionen för medicinsk biokemi och biofysik, Karolinska Institutet. Title: "Expression of mtDNA and organization of the oxidative phosphorylation system". Värd: Stefan Björklund.
September 17 - Camilla Holmlund, Institutionen för medicinsk biovetenskap, UMU /Genomic Medicine Sweden. Titel: "Gene expression analysis and Digital Spatial Profiling using GeoMx and nCounter".Värd: Lars-Anders Carlson.
OBS! Skjuts upp till nästa termin! September 24 - Felipe Cava, Institutionen för molekylärbiologi. Värd: Ignacio (Nacho) Mir Sanchis.
Oktober 1 - Ali Mirazimi, KI/Folkhälsomyndigheten/SVA. Titel: "Crimean congo hemorrhagic fever virus: virus-host cell interaction". Host: Lars-Anders Carlson.
Oktober 8 - Neus Visa, Institutionen för molekylär biovetenskap Wenner-Grens institut, Stockholms universitet. Titel: "Why you need ribonucleases to repair DNA damage". Värd: Ignacio (Nacho) Mir Sanchis.
Oktober 15 - Celso Albuquerque Reis, Head of Glycobiology in Cancer, i3S - Instituto de Investigação e Inovação em Saúde, Universidade do Porto; IPATIMUP - Institute of Molecular Pathology and Immunology of the University of Porto. Titel: ”The role of glycosylation in gastric carcinogenesis and tumour progression: insights into patient-derived organoids models”. Värd: Thomas Boren.
Oktober 22 - Anna Barron, Lee Kong Chian School of Medicine (LKCMedicine), Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. Titel: "Mitochondrial control of microglial function in Alzheimer’s disease". Värd: Suresh Jesuthasan/MolBiol.
November 12 - Anna Falk, Lunds universitet / KI. Titel: "iPSC for disease modelling and derivation of cell therapy". Värd: Lena Gunhaga.
November 19 - Max Douglas, The Institute of Cancer Research, London, UK. Titel: "Complexity at the end: examining the replication and protection of telomeres". Värd: Erik Johansson.
OBS! INSTÄLLT! November 26 - Montserrat Bárcena, Leiden University, The Netherlands. Titel: "Intracellular makeover: viral replication organelles". Värd: Lars-Anders Carlson.
December 3 - Mikael Sellin, Institutionen för medicinsk biokemi och mikrobiologi; Infektioner och Immunitet, Uppsala universitet. Titel: "Bacterial Infection Mechanisms Resolved by Human Gut Organoid Modeling". Värd: Anna Arnqvist Björklund. December 10 - Kurt Schmoller, Helmholtz Zentrum, Munchen, Germany. Titel: "Mitochondrial DNA Homeostasis in Growing Cells." Värd: Sjoerd Wanrooij.
December 17 - David Monchaud, Institut de Chimie Moléculaire de l'Université de Bourgogne, ICMUB CNRS, France. Titel: "How chemical biology helps decipher the roles and functions of DNA/RNA G-quadruplexes in human cells". Värd: Nasim Sabouri.
Tidigare seminarier 2023
Januari 17 - Vasili Hauryliuk, Institutionen för experimentell medicinsk vetenskap, Lunds universitet. Titel: "How bacterial immune system works". Värd: Andrei Chabes.
TORSDAG, January 26 - Hakon Leffler, Avdelningen för mikrobiologi, immunologi och glykobiologi, Lunds universitets cancercentrum, Lunds universitet. Värd: Ulrika Westerlind. Titel: "Galectin-glycoprotein interactions and possible biomedical use of galectin inhibitors". Obs! Stora Hörsalen.
Januari 31 - Daan van Aalten, Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics, Aarhus University, Denmark. Titel: "Molecular and functional dissection of an O-GlcNAc intellectual disability syndrome". Värd: Karim Rafie.
INSTÄLLT! Februari 7 - John Christodoulou, Research Department of Structural & Molecular Biology, Div of Biosciences, UCL, UK. Värd: Jürgen Schleucher.
Februari 14 - Jacob Hecksher-SØrensen, Gubra, Copenhagen, Denmark. Titel: "Digital brain maps and virtual neuroscience: an emerging role for Light Sheet Fluoresense Microscopy in drug development". Värd: Ulf Ahlgren.
Februari 21 - Nicholas Pearce, Institutionen för fysik, kemi och biologi (IFM), Linköpings universitet. Titel: "Weak, noisy or uninteresting”: moving beyond traditional macromolecular structure determination and analysis. Värd: Ronnie Berntsson.
Mars 7 - Max Renner, Kemiska institutionen, UmU och Division of Structural Biology, University of Oxford. Titel: "Decoding RNA Virus Assembly and Replication through Structural Biology". Värd: Magnus Wolf-Watz.
Mars 14 - Marcel Tijsterman, Human Genetics Department, Leiden University Medical Center (LUMC), Leiden, The Netherlands. Titel: "On worms, transgenic plants and breast cancer patients". Värd: Andrei Chabes.
Mars 21 - Elias Arnér, Medicinsk biokemi och biofysik, Karolinska Institutet. Titel: “Selenoproteins in health and disease - recent developments”. Värd: Andrei Chabes.
Mars 28 - Lars Björck, Infektionsmedicin, Institutionen för kliniska vetenskaper, Lunds universitet. Titel: ”Inactivation of antibodies by bacterial proteins; some evolutionary, structural and clinical aspects”. Värd: Thomas Boren.
April 4 - Petr Chlanda, Department for Infectious Diseases-Virology, Heidelberg University, Germany. Titel: "Minimal structural components of the SARS-CoV-2 pore and assembling virions". Värd: Lars-Anders Carlson.
April 18 - Marcus Wilhelmsson, Kemi och Biokemi, Chalmers tekniska högskola. Titel: "Minimally Perturbing Fluorescence Labeling Methods for Nucleic Acids". Värd: Erik Johansson.
April 25 - David Drew, Institutionen för biokemi och biofysik, Stockholms universitet. Titel: "The Wonders of Small Molecule Transport". Värd: Josy ter Beek.
Maj 2 - Hilde Loge Nilsen, Department of Microbiology, Oslo University Hospital, Norway. Title: "Repair of endogenous DNA damage - from mechanisms to clinical interventions in neurodegenerative diseases". Värd: Nasim Sabouri.
Maj 9 - Scott Kennedy, Department of Laboratory Medicine & Pathology, University of Washington, Seattle, USA. Titel: "Finding the needle in a haystack: Applying modern sequencing methods to study the when, where, and how of somatic mutations in aging and disease". Värd: A. Chabes.
Maj 16 - Xiaodong Zhang, Department of Infectious Disease, Imperial College, London. Titel: "Mechanisms of sigmaN/sigma54-dependent bacterial transcription initiation". Värd: Ignacio Mir-Sanchis.
Maj 23 - Imrich Barak, Department of Microbial Genetics, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava, Slovakia. Titel: "What do we know about bacterial nanotubes?" Värd: Jan Jamroskovic.
Maj 30 - Laura Carroll, Institutionen för klinisk mikrobiologi, Umeå universitet. Titel: "(Meta)genome mining approaches for novel secondary metabolite discovery". Värd: Stefan Björklund.
OBS! Onsdag Juni 7 - Alex Evilevitch, Institutionen för experimentell medicinsk vetenskap, Lunds universitet. Titel: "Biophysics of Herpesvirus Infectivity and Novel Antiviral Targets". Värd: Lars-Anders Carlson. Carl Kempe salen (KB.E3.03).
Juni 13 - Julian Sale, Division of Protein and Nucleic Acid Chemistry, MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology, Cambridge, UK. Titel: Sequences that stall replication and shape the genome. Host: Andrei Chabes.
Juni 20 - INSTÄLLT! Stefan Schoenfelder, The Babraham Institute, Cambridge, United Kingdom. Titel: “Cis-regulatory control of pluripotent stem cell fates”. Värd: Silvia Remeseiro. NAT.D.470
Augusti 29 - Inari Kursula, Department of Biomedicine, University of Bergen, Norway. Titel: "Molecular insight into malaria parasite actin-based motility". Värd: Linda Sandblad.
INSTÄLLT! September 5 - John Christodoulou, Research Department of Structural & Molecular Biology, Div of Biosciences, UCL, UK. Värd: Jürgen Schleucher.
September 26 - Jorge Ruas, Karolinska Institutet. Titel: "Molecular mediators of the benefits of exercise: Mechanisms of action and Pharmacological Applications". Värd: Helena Edlund.
Oktober 3 - Ka-Wei Tang, Göteborgs universitet. Titel: "Epstein-Barr virus non-coding RNAs role in cancer". Värd: Sjoerd Wanrooij.
Oktober 10 - Nicholas Leigh, WCMM and Division of Molecular Medicine and Gene Therapy, Lund University. Titel: "Demultiplexing complex tissue regeneration". Värd: Andreas Hörnblad.
Oktober 17 - Guillermo Montoya, Research Director and Group Leader at the Protein Structure and Function program at Novo Nordisk Foundation Center for Protein Research (CPR), University of Copenhagen, Denmark. Titel: "Understanding bacterial defense mechanisms by cryo-EM". Värd: Ignacio Mir Sanchis.
November 7 - KBC DAYS 2023
November 14 - Alison Sweeney, Yale University, USA. Titel: “Physically Optimal Solar Resource Conversion in an Giant Clam”. Värd: Lena Gunhaga.
November 21 - Camilla Björkegren, Cell- och molekylärbiologi, Karolinska Institutet. Titel: "Transcription-induced DNA supercoiling drives the spatial organization of chromosomes". Värd: Stefan Björklund.
Obs! Torsdag, 23 november, 9.00 - Claes M. Gustafsson, Göteborgs universitet. Titel: "Human mitochondrial DNA and its expression". Värd: Stefan Björklund. Stora Fokusrummet (KB.F3.01).
November 28 - Andrea Vincent, Biology Department, Universidad de Costa Rica, Costa Rica. Titel: "Effects of warming on a high elevation tropical grassland". Värd: Jurgen Schleucher.
December 5 - Andreas Kohler, Institutionen för medicinsk kemi och biofysik. Titel: "Early fate decision for mitochondrially encoded proteins by a molecular triage". Värd: Erik Johansson.
December 12 - Michael Kovermann, Department of Chemistry, Konstanz University. Titel: "Probing conformational landscapes of single and multi domain proteins". Värd: Magnus Wolf-Watz.
December 19 - Mikael Oliveberg, Institutionen för biokemi och biofysik, Stockholms universitet. Titel: "How proteins navigate the crowded cellular interior: a new view on phylogeny and functional evolution". Värd: Andrei Chabes.
Tidigare seminarier 2022
Januari 11 - Amir Aharoni, Department of Life Sciences and the National Institute for Biotechnology in the Negev, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel. Titel: "Real-time monitoring of replication fork progression in single live cells". Värd: Erik Johansson.
Mars 29, 15:00 - Giorgia Gugliemi, PhD from EMBL. Science writer educated in Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). Freelance writer. Titel: "Creative Careers in Scientific Writing". Värd: Silvia Remeseiro. Zoom
April 5 - Alexander Pietras, Division of Translational Cancer Research, Lund University. Titel: "Exploring and exploiting radiotherapy- and hypoxia-induced changes in the brain tumor microenvironment”. Värd: Silvia Remeseiro. Lillahörsalen (KB.E3.01), KBC
INSTÄLLT! April 12 - Lars Björck, Division of Infection Medicine, Department of Clinical Sciences, Lund University. Titel: "Inactivation of antibodies by bacterial proteins; some evolutionary, structural and clinical aspects”. Värd: Thomas Boren.
OBS! TORSDAG, April 28 - Alvin C. Powers, Vanderbilt University Medical Center, Director of the Vanderbilt Diabetes Center. Titel: "Pancreatic Islet Function and Dysfunction: Different Pathways in Different Forms of Diabetes". Värd: Ulf Ahlgren. Lillahörsalen (KB.E3.01), KBC
Maj 10 - Bruce Stillman, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory (CSHL), USA. Titel: "The Origin Recognition Complex in the Initiation of DNA Replication and Beyond". Värd: Andrei Chabes. Lillahörsalen (KB.E3.01), KBC
OBS! FREDAG, Maj 13, 10:00 - Thomas Nicholls, Wellcome Centre for Mitochondrial Research, Newcastle, UK. Titel: "Keeping the mitochondrial genome in shape with topoisomerases". Värd: Paulina Wanrooij. Lillahörsalen (KB.E3.01), KBC
Maj 24 - Marina Aspholm, Department of Paraclinical Sciences (PARAFAG), Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Norway. Titel: "Endospore appendages: novel families of super resilient pili from the endospores of Bacilli". Värd: Thomas Boren. Lillahörsalen (KB.E3.01), KBC
Juni 7 - Mario de Bono, The Institute of Science and Technology (IST), Vienna, Austria. Titel: "Regulating the regulator - a mechanism to control neuronal excitability". Host: Changchun Chen. Lillahörsalen (KB.E3.01), KBC
Juni 21 - Peter Burgers, Washington University School of Medicine, Saint Louis, USA. Titel: "Connecting replication stress to checkpoint initiation". Värd: Erik Johansson. Lillahörsalen (KB.E3.01), KBC
Augusti 23 - Sophia Hober, KTH, Stockholm, Sverige. Titel: "Selection and design for development of functional protein domains". Värd: Magnus Wolf-Watz. Zoom
September 20 - Olof Lagerlöf, Institutionen för klinisk vetenskap och Wallenberg centrum för molekylär medicin vid Umeå universitet (WCMM). Titel: "O-GlcNAc: a molecular nutrient sensor that regulates food intake”. Värd: Helena Edlund.
September 27 - André Mateus, Kemiska institutionen. Titel: "Mapping bacterial functional proteomes with thermal proteome profiling". Värd: Lars-Anders Carlson.
Oktober 4 - Bennie Lemmens, Institutionen för medicinsk biokemi och biofysik, Karolinska Institutet och SciLifeLab. Titel: "Direct visualization and control of DNA replication initiation in single human cells". Värd: Erik Johansson.
Oktober 11 - Alexey Amunts, Stockholms universitet och SciLifeLab. Titel: "How genes become machines in mitochondria". Host: Changchun Chen.
Oktober 18 - Sean Rudd, Department of Oncology-Pathology, Karolinska Institutet och SciLifeLab. Titel: "Understanding & exploiting the dNTPase SAMHD1 in cancer - from oncogenesis to chemoresistance". Värd: Sjoerd Wanrooij.
November 8 - KBC DAYS 2022
November 15 - Juan Carlos Alonso, National Centre of Biotechnology (CNB), Spanish Research Council, Madrid, Spain. Titel: "Nascent lagging-strand unwinding at stalled or reversed forks requires RadA/Sms and RecA". Värd: Ignacio Mir Sanchis.
November 22 - Erik Larsson Lekholm, Avd för medicinsk kemi och cellbiologi, Göteborgs universitet. Titel: "Shining light on the cancer genome". Värd: Paulina Wanrooij. Obs! Zoom
November 29 - Carlos Guerrero-Bosagna, Institutionen för organismbiologi, Evolutionsbiologiskt Centrum EBC, Uppsala universitet. Titel: "The effects of environmental exposures on epigenetic mechanisms, metabolism, and health”. Värd: Silvia Remeseiro.
December 6 - Eric Geertsma, Max Planck Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics, Dresden, Germany. Titel: "Allosteric regulation of membrane transporters". Värd: Ronnie Berntsson.
Mars 23 - Qiang Pan-Hammarström, Dept of Biosciences and Nutrition, Karolinska Institutet NEO. Titel: "Infections and immunity, COVID-19 and beyond". Värd: Thomas Boren. Zoom.
Mars 30 - Nihal Altan-Bonnet, National Institutes of Health, USA. Titel: "Sneaking out with the trash: coronaviruses egress using lysosomes". Värd: Lars-Anders Carlson. Zoom.
April 13 - Håkan Hedman, Department of Radiation Sciences. Titel: "Fat and healthy: a matter of leucine-rich repeats and immunoglobulin-like domains?". Värd: Helena Edlund. Zoom.
INSTÄLLT! Maj 4 - Russell Foster, Director of Sleep & Circadian Neuroscience Institute (SCNi), University of Oxford, UK. Titel: "Light signalling to the circadian and sleep systems: Biology to new therapeutics". Värd: Lena Gunhaga
INSTÄLLT! Maj 11 - Lotte Bjergbæk, Dept. of Molecular Biology and Genetics, Aarhus University, Denmark. Värd: Erik Johansson. Zoom
Maj 25 - Pedro Brugarolas, Harvard Medical School and Gordon Center for Medical Imaging, Boston, USA. Titel: "Development of PET radioligands for multiple sclerosis and other diseases". Värd: Ignacio Mir Sanchis. Zoom.
Seminariet skjuts upp! Maj 27 - Claes Gustafsson, Avd för medicinsk kemi och cellbiologi, Göteborgs universitet. Värd: Josefin Forslund, Sjoerd Wanrooij. Lillahörsalen (KB.E3.01) eller Zoom.
INSTÄLLT! Juni 15 - Monica Bucciantini, Department of Experimental and Clinical Biomedical Sciences "Mario Serio", University of Florence, Florence, Italy. Titel: "Nutraceutical properties of olive oil polyphenols in amyloid formation". Värd: Ludmilla Morozova-Roche.
September 7 - Marco Mangone, Biodesign institute, Arizona State University, USA. Titel: "Deciphering post-transcriptional regulatory networks". Värd: Andrei Chabes. Zoom.
September 28 - Nadja de Souza-Pinto, Department of Biochemistry, University of São Paolo, Brazil. Titel: “DNA repair contributes to maintaining mitochondrial function in mammalian cells”. Värd: Paulina Wanrooij. Zoom.
Oktober 5 - Rotem Sorek, Department of Molecular Genetics, Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel. Titel: "The immune system of bacteria: Beyond CRISPR". Värd: Ignacio (Nacho) Mir Sanchis. Zoom.
Oktober 12 - Pierre-Alexandr Kaminski, Insitut Pasteur, Paris, France. Titel: "ZTCG: Viruses expand the genetic alphabet". Värd: Ignacio (Nacho) Mir Sanchis. Zoom.
Oktober 26 - Monica Bucciantini, Department of Experimental and Clinical Biomedical Sciences "Mario Serio", University of Florence, Florence, Italy. Titel: "Nutraceutical properties of olive oil polyphenols in amyloid formation". Värd: Ludmilla Morozova-Roche. Zoom.
November 9 - KBC DAYS 2021
November 16 - Xue Wei-Feng, University of Kent, UK. Titel: "Atomic force microscopy imaging reveals the individuality of amyloid filament assembly". Värd: Ludmilla Morozova-Roche. Zoom.
December 14, 15:00 - Sameer Velankar, European Molecular Biology Laboratory, European Bioinformatics Institute (EMBL-EBI) and Protein Data Bank Europe (PDBe). Titel: "A new era in structural biology - The role of open data in structure prediction”. Värd: WCMM - Ignacio Mir Sanchis. Zoom
Januari 21 - Sebastian Westenhoff, Göteborgs universitet. Titel: "How do bacteria and plants see light? Uncovering the inner workings of photoreceptor proteins”. Värd: Ronnie Berntsson.
Februari 4 - Ronnie Berntsson, Institutionen för medicinsk kemi och biofysik, Umeå Universitet. Docenturföreläsning. Titel: "Towards a structural understanding of Type 4 Secretion Systems in Gram-positive bacteria"
Februari 18 - Katja Rinne-Garmston, Natural Resources Institute, Finland. Titel: "Application of new d13C and d18O analytical methods in tree ring research for climate change studies". Värd: Jurgen Schleucher.
Februari 25 - Lars Nyberg, Institutionen för strålningsvetenskaper. Titel: "Heterogeneity in memory aging and brain maintenance: studies within the Betula project". Värd: Tor Ny.
INSTÄLLT! Mars 10 - Juan Carlos Alonso, National Center of Biotechnology (CNB), Spanish Research Council, Madrid, Spain. Titel: "Bacillus subtilis RecA-dependent, RecA-facilitated and RecA-independent natural transformation pathways". Värd: Ignacio Mir-Sanchis. Nytt datum: 15 september 2020.
INSTÄLLT! Mars 17 - Petr Chlanda, Universität Heidelberg. Titel: "On-lamella cryo-correlative light and electron tomography approach to study lung cells and their interactions with influenza A virus". Värd: Lars-Anders Carlson.
INSTÄLLT! Mars 24 - Alberto Marina, Biomedicine Institute of Valencia (IBV), Spanish Research Council, CSIC. Värd: Ignacio (Nacho) Mir Sanchis.
INSTÄLLT! Mars 31 - Lars Björck, Avdelningen för infektionsmedicin, Institutionen för kliniska vetenskaper, Lunds universitet. Titel: "Inactivation of antibodies by bacterial proteins; some evolutionary, structural and clinical aspects". Värd: Thomas Boren.
INSTÄLLT! April 7 - Luis Gabriel Brieba de Castro, Cinvestav UGA-Langebio, Mexico. Värd: Sjoerd Wanrooij.
April 21 - Cristina Paulino, University of Groningen, the Netherlands. Titel: "Mechanisms of membrane transporters revealed by cryo-EM". Host: Ronnie Berntsson. Online via Zoom.
INSTÄLLT! April 28 - Dag Ilver, RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Göteborg. Värdar: Thomas Boren, Anna Arnqvist.
INSTÄLLT! Maj 5 - Katharina Sonnen, Hubrecht Institute, Utrecht, The Netherlands. Värd: Andreas Hörnblad.
INSTÄLLT! TORSDAG maj 14 - Lukáš Trantírek, Central European Institute of technology, Brno, Czech Republic. Värd: Sjoerd Wanrooij, Mara Doimo. KB.E3.03 Carl Kempe salen.
INSTÄLLT! Maj 19 - Alfredo De Biasio, Leicester Institute of Structural and Chemical Biology (LISCB), Department of Molecular and Cell Biology, University of Leicester, UK. Värd: Erik Johansson. Nytt datum: 20 oktober 2020.
INSTÄLLT! Maj 26 - Andrea Puhar, Institutionen för molekylärbiologi, Molekylär Infektionsmedicin, Sverige (MIMS). Värd: Paulina Wanrooij. Nytt datum: 24 november 2020.
INSTÄLLT! Juni 2 - Francisca Lottersberger, Linköpings universitet. Värdar: Paulina Wanrooij and Nasim Sabouri. Nytt datum: 1 september 2020.
INSTÄLLT! Juni 16 - Laura Parkkinen, Nuffield Department of Clinical Neurosciences, University of Oxford, UK. Titel: "Development of a-synuclein seeding assay as an early, progression and stratifying biomarker for Parkinson's disease and related synucleinopathies". Värd: Ludmilla Morozova-Roche.
September 1 - Francisca Lottersberger, Linköpings universitet. Titel: "Genome instability: from telomeres to nuclear envelope". Värdar: Paulina Wanrooij and Nasim Sabouri. Zoom.
INSTÄLLT! September 15 - Juan Carlos Alonso, National Center of Biotechnology (CNB), Spanish Research Council, Madrid, Spain. Titel: "Bacillus subtilis RecA-dependent, RecA-facilitated and RecA-independent natural transformation pathways". Värd: Ignacio Mir-Sanchis.
September 29 - Daniel Jirak, Institute for Clinical and Experimental Medicine, Prague, Czech Republic. Titel: "19F magnetic resonance imaging and its application for transplanted pancreatic islets visualisation". Värd: Ulf Ahlgren. KB.E3.01 Lilla Hörsalen (Obs! 32 coronaplatser!) och Zoom.
Oktober 13 - James H. Hurley, University of California, Berkeley. Titel: "A night in the viral natural history museum with HIV and SARS-CoV-2". Värd: Lars-Anders Carlson. Zoom.
Oktober 20 - Alfredo De Biasio, Leicester Institute of Structural and Chemical Biology (LISCB), Department of Molecular and Cell Biology, University of Leicester, UK. Värd: Erik Johansson. Titel: "Cryo-EM unveils the molecular basis of processive synthesis by human DNA polymerases". Zoom.
November 3 - KBC DAYS 2020
November 10 - Alan J. Herr, Department of Laboratory Medicine and Pathology, University of Washington, USA. Titel: 'Mutator Phenotypes at Single Cell Resolution'. Värd: Erik Johansson. Zoom.
INSTÄLLT! November 17 - Carolina Wählby, Institutionen för informationsteknologi, Visuell information och interaktion, Uppsala universitet. Värd: Anna Arnqvist.
November 24 - Andrea Puhar, Institutionen för molekylärbiologi, Molekylär Infektionsmedicin, Sverige (MIMS). Titel: 'The mechanoresponsive channel PIEZO1 is an immune sensor for invasive infection'. Värd: Paulina Wanrooij. Zoom.
December 8 - Gemma C. Atkinson, Institutionen för molekylärbiologi. "Panacea: an antitoxin domain for neutralisation of any protein toxin?" Värd: Andrei Chabes. Zoom.
Januari 22 - Lisa Wingate, INRA, Paris, France. "Estimating the global flux of carbonyl sulphide (COS) between soils and the atmosphere: the key role of soil nitrogen". Värd: Jürgen Schleucher.
Januari 29 - Barbara Sixt, Institutionen för molekylärbiologi, Umeå Universitet. "The Chlamydia effector CpoS – a modulator of inclusion membrane microdomains and interactions with the host trafficking machinery". Värd: Richard Lundmark.
Februari 5 - Björn Burmann, Department of Chemistry and Molecular Biology, Wallenberg Centre for Molecular and Translational Medicine, University of Gothenburg. "From biophysical principles towards the physiological function of chaperones". Värd: Jürgen Schleucher.
February 12 - Sara Lindén, Göteborgs universitet. "Host pathogen interactions in the mucus niche". Host: Thomas Borén.
February 19 - Ilaria Testa, SciLifeLab and KTH, Stockholm. "MoNaLISA: a gentle super resolution technique for 3D-4D imaging of living cells at the nanoscale". Värd: Lars-Anders Carlson.
Mars 5 - Ariane Briegel, Leiden University, Netherlands. "New insights into bacterial behavior by electron cryotomography". Värd: Lars-Anders Carlson.
Mars 12 - John Shin, MRC's Laboratory of Molecular Biology, Cambridge, UK. "Using spatial proteomics to determine the content of vesicles captured by golgin tethers at the trans-Golgi". Värd: Simon Tuck.
April 2 - Jonas Barandun, MIMS och Institutionen för molekylärbiologi. "Evolutionary compaction of the ribosome in an intracellular eukaryotic parasite". Värd: Magnus Wolf-Watz.
April 5 FREDAG 14:00 KBE301 - Virginia A Zakian, Princeton University. "Keeping telomerase in check: novel mechanisms of regulation". Värd: Nasim Sabouri.
April 16 - Edmund Kunji, MRC, Cambridge. "Refueling the cell: how ADP and ATP are transported across the mitochondrial inner membrane". Värd: Ronnie Berntsson.
April 23 - Anna Campalans, François Jacob Institute of Biology, Paris, Frankrike. "Instability of Mitochondrial genome: a matter of Gs?". Värd: Sjoerd Wanrooij.
April 29 MONDAY 15:15 - Justin Sparks, Harvard Medical School. "A surprising mechanism of DNA replication coupled repair". Värd: Sjoerd Wanrooij.
Maj 7 - Aki Kawasaki, University of Lausanne, Switzerland. "Pupil is a Light Meter of the Eye". Värd: Lena Gunhaga.
Maj 14 - Christoph Freyer, KI. "Mitochondrial import of S-adenosyl methionine and the mitochondrial methylproteome”. Värd: Paulina Wanrooij.
ONSDAG maj 29 - Ben Smith, Hawkesbury Institute for the Environment, Western Sydney University, Australia and Dept. of Physical Geography and Ecosystem Science, Lund University. "Understanding terrestrial ecosystem control of the global carbon cycle". Värd: Jürgen Schleucher. KB.E3.03 Carl Kempe sal. Obs!: ändrade datum och rum!
Juni 4 - Tracy Palmer, Institute for Cell and Molecular Biosciences, Centre for Bacterial Cell Biology, Newcastle University, UK. "The Staphylococcus aureus Type VII protein secretion system". Värd: Ronnie Berntsson.
Juni 11 - Niklas Arnberg, Klinisk mikrobiologi, Umeå Universitet. "Open sesame - mechanisms of virus entry into target cells". Värd: Lars-Anders Carlson.
Augusti 20 - Martin Ott, Stockholms universitet. "Structure and functional significance of mitochondrial respiratory supercomplexes". Värd: Ronnie Berntsson. KB.E3.03 Carl Kempe salen.
Augusti 27 - Nuno Raimundo, Univeristätsmedizin Göttingen, Tyskland. “Lysosomes rule with an iron fist”. Värd: Paulina Wanrooij.
September 3 - Esteban Gurzov, Signal Transduction and Metabolism Laboratory, ULB Center for Diabetes Research, Université libre de Bruxelles (ULB). "Protein tyrosine phosphatases in metabolic diseases: oxidation, dysfunction and therapeutic potential". Värd: Ulf Ahlgren.
September 10 - Silvia Remeseiro, WCMM, Umeå Universitet. "Long-range gene regulation and 3D chromatin organisation: Implications in cancer". Värd: Andrei Chabes. 16:00-17:00, KB.E3.03 Carl Kempe salen.
September 17 - Claudio Cantú, WCMM, Linköpings universitet. "Wnt Signalling at the Interface Between Development and Cancer". Värd: Silvia Remeseiro.
September 19 (Obs! Torsdag) - Ehud Gazit, Tel Aviv University, guest professor at the Department of Medical Biochemistry and Biophysics, funded by the Wallenberg Centre for Molecular Medicine (WCMM). Titel: "Molecular Self-Assembly of Peptides and Metabolites: Physiology, Pathology, and Nanotechnology". Värd: Ludmilla Morozova-Roche.
September 24 - Vicent Pelechano, SciLifeLab. Titel: "Dissecting gene expression with genomics: from transcriptional complexity to ribosome dynamics". Värd: Silvia Remeseiro
Oktober 8 -
Oktober 15 - Nasim Sabouri, Institutionen för medicinsk kemi och biofysik, Umeå Universitet. Docenturföreläsning. Titel: "Unwinding the function of G-quadruplex DNA structures in cancer".
Oktober 22 -
Obs! Seminarium är inställt! Oktober 29 - Eva Hoffmann, University of Copenhagen. Värd: Nasim Sabouri.
November 5 - Jan Holgersson, Avdelningen för laboratoriemedicin, Institutionen för biomedicin, Sahlgrenska Akademin, Göteborgs Universitet. Titel: "Glycoengineered cells and proteins as tools for studies on microbial attachment". Värd: Thomas Borén. Obs! N380, Naturvetarhuset
November 12 - Sanna Koskiniemi, Institutionen för cell- och molekylärbiologi, Uppsala universitet. Titel: "Bacterial toxin delivery systems and their role in regulating bacterial growth". Värd: Anna Arnqvist.
November 19 - Kristian Pietras, Lunds Universitet. Titel: "Microenvironmental control of the malignant phenotype in breast cancer”. Värd: Nasim Sabouri.
November 26 - Patrick Laurent, Neurophysiology Lab, ULB Neuroscience Institute (UNI), University of Brussels (ULB). Titel: "Neuronal diversity and behavioural ageing in C. elegans". Värd: Changchun Chen.
December 3 - Alessandro Costa, The Francis Crick Institute. Titel: "Eukaryotic chromosome replication studied by cryo-electron microscopy". Värd: Ignacio Mir-Sanchis.
December 17 - Kay Grünewald, CSSB Hamburg, Universität Hamburg. Titel: "Integrated structural cell biology of virus-host-interactions". Värd: Lars-Anders Carlson