SALIENSEAS - Enhancing the saliency of climate services for marine mobility sectors in European Arctic seas
SALIENSEAS aims to understand the mobility patterns, constraints, challenges, decision-making contexts and information needs of end-users in different European Arctic marine sectors. Changing climate and vicious ice conditions require accurate weather information for cruise ships and fishing vessels. In this project, a dense cooperation with end-users is used to develop products that can be applied by meteorological services to facilitate safer travel in Arctic waters.
SALIENSEAS aims to understand the mobility patterns, constraints, challenges, decision-making contexts and information needs of end-users in different European Arctic marine sectors; to develop and apply participatory tools for co-producing salient climate services with Arctic marine end-users; and to co-develop user-relevant and sector specific climate services and dissemination systems dedicated to Arctic marine end-users by demonstration of seamless weather-to-climate Arctic climate services tailored to key social, environmental and economic needs.
Machiel Lamers, Project leader, Associate Professor, Wageningen University and Research, The Netherlands
Berill Blair, Dr., Wageningen University and Research, The Netherlands
Maike Knol, Dr. UiT - The Arctic University of Norway
Malte Müller, Dr., Norwegian Meteorological Institute
Cyril Palerme, Dr., Norwegian Meteorological Institute
Anders D. Sivle, Dr., Norwegian Meteorological Institute
Steffen Olsen, Dr., Danish Meteorological Institute
Matilde Brandt Kreiner, Danish Meteorological Institute
Jørgen Buus-Hinkler, Dr., Danish Meteorological Institute
Till Andreas Soya Rasmussen, Dr., Danish Meteorological Institute
The project is an ERA-NET cooperation with Wageningen University, UiT – The Arctic University of Norway, and the meteorological services of Denmark and Norway. The Umeå University part in this European cooperation addresses the analysis of decision-making, mobility patterns and tourism activities.
The rapid warming in the Arctic ocean environment has profound socio-economic consequences, which generates a strong call from local communities and various marine sectors for more user-specified climate services. Currently, there is limited availability of, and accessibility to, high-quality Arctic climate information for operational and strategic decision making. The SALIENSEAS project co-develops, in a team of social and natural scientists, met-ocean service personnel, and end-users, climate Arctic forecast products tailored to key social, environmental and economic needs.
Based on a thorough understanding of the current mobility patterns and challenges, as well as the uptake and need for climate services in several mobile Arctic ocean end-user groups, a range of demonstration services will be co-defined and co-produced with these stakeholders. During the project period we conduct in-depth social science research in relevant end-user practices, disseminate forecast products to end-users of climate information, and develop a more participatory, flexible and tailored approach to developing forecast products. Moreover, Arctic sub-seasonal and seasonal prediction capabilities and climate projections in the Arctic are systematically exploited, in order to establish baseline expectations for predictive power and to guide advances in predictive capability.
The SALIENSEAS project brings together a strong consortium of international research institutes, whereby high-level experts on Arctic socio-economic sectors and governance processes, weather and climate prediction, and data dissemination will work in line with stakeholder representatives. The developed tailored forecast products will be merged into Norway’s and Denmark’s met-ocean and sea-ice forecasting infrastructures and maintained and developed beyond the lifetime of this project.