A simple and unique digital tool for helping stroke patients and medical staff to quickly capture patients’ unmet rehabilitation needs
The purpose of the planned project is to develop and evaluate a functional prototype of Rehabkompassen ™ with both stroke patients and healthcare professionals throughout the stroke care system (hospital, primary care and community) in the Northern Region by a randomized controlled multicenter study
There is no structured follow-up to capture the patients' complex rehabilitation needs and to find an appropriate level of rehabilitation throughout the entire care chain at the current stage.
The project is about meeting these challenges by developing a new digital follow-up tool, namely Rehabkompassen ™, based on reliable patient surveys and illustrating the patient's extensive complex problems in an easy-to-understand chart. The tool can serve as a guiding evidence for and during reception visits and contribute to the faster identification of rehabilitation needs, and can be used as a common communication platform at different levels of care.