Forskningsprojekt In order to understand large-scale and long-term ecological and social change, diverse and interdisciplinary datasets are needed to understand both the environmental, climatic and cultural drivers of these complex processes.
Research on the long-term sustainability of Arctic environments and communities requires data from over thousands of square miles, hundreds of years, and multiple disciplines, from climatology to archaeology to folklore. In most cases, datasets exist to be able to address these questions, but it remains difficult to find these data, make them interoperable, and analyze and visualize them in new and meaningful ways without extensive planning, thus restricting the ability to address these questions. This project aims to resolve some of these issues by designing an international, transdisciplinary database network.
Huvudman: Strawhacker et al., finansiar: NSF (USA), 2014-2016: 2 100 000 kr
Colleen Strawhacker, Dr., PhD, NSF
Thomas Dawson, Dr., BA, NSF
Francis Pierce-McManamon, Professor, PhD, NSF
Peter Pulsifer, Dr., PhD, NSF
Philip Buckland, Dr., PhD, NSF
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