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Här hittar du övergripande information kring våra infrastrukturer. Under varje del hittar du kontaktuppgifter till ansvarig person vid frågor eller bokningar.



Modell: T100.
Surface plasmon resonance allows real-time, label-free detection of biomolecular interactions.
Kontaktperson: Lars Frängsmyr, 070-2765041


Kontaktperson: Marta Bally


Cell culture

HoloMonitor M4

Phase Holographic Imaging.
Kontaktperson: Annika Holmström

Hypoxia incubator

Modell: Galaxy 48 R.
N2 not routinely supplied.
Kontaktperson: Lotta Nordström

Orgaoid Lab

3D culturing of cells in matrigel. You can purchase Matrigel vials (1 ml or10ml), r-spondin conditioned media (10ml) and wnt-conditioned media (10 ml).
Kontaktperson: Mitesh Dongre, 090-785 17 28




Kontaktperson: Emma Nilsson, 070-5159528

High-speed centrifuge

Kontaktperson: Emma Nilsson, 070-5159528



Droplet generator.

Modell: QX200. 
Kontaktperson: Jonas Nilsson, 090-785 85 61

Droplet reader

Modell: Q200. 
Kontaktperson: Jonas Nilsson, 090-785 85 61


Single-cell isolator.
Kontaktperson: Jonas Nilsson, 090-785 85 61




Modell: BDLSRII.
Cell analysis.
Kontaktperson: Kristina Lejon, 090-785 35 76


Modell: Accuri.
Cell analysis.
Kontaktperson: Kristina Lejon, 090-785 35 76


Modell: Luminex.
Bead array. 
Kontaktperson: Kristina Lejon, 090-785 35 76


Modell: BDAriaIII.
Cell sorter.
Kontaktperson: Kristina Lejon, 090-785 35 76


Video microscop to analyze nanoparticles.
Kontaktperson: Marta Bally, Konrad Thorsteinsson, 070-2158653

autoMACS pro

Magnetic, automated cell sorter.
Kontaktperson: Sofie Degerman, 090-785 28 73



Label printer

Modell: PM43c.
Kontaktperson: Emma Honkala



Leica CM3050 S Research Cryostat

Modell: CM3050S.
Kontaktperson: Anette Berglund, 090-785 17 26

Benchmark ULTRA

Automated IHC stainer. 
Kontaktperson: Pernilla Andersson, 090-785 28 33

Benchmark ULTRA #2

Automated IHC stainer. 
Kontaktperson: Anette Berglund, 090-785 17 26 

TMA Grand Master

Tissue microarray puncher.
Kontaktperson: Susanne Gidlund



Gel documentation

Kontaktperson: Emma Nilsson, 090-785 28 79

GelDoc XR+

Gel documentation.
Modell: Imager 600
Kontaktperson: Maria Brattsand, 090-785 29 95

Azure c600 imaging system

Modell: c600
Imaging system for gels and membranes. Chemiluminescence, RGB, NIR and UV.
Kontaktperson: Ola Billing, 090-785 69 85


Panoramic 250 scanner

Whole tissue slide brightfield scanner.

Kontaktperson: Susanne Gidlund



Zeiss Axiovert

Modell: Axiovert
Kontaktperson: David Persson

Zeiss Axioskop 2

Modell: Axioskop2
Kontaktperson: David Persson

Nikon eclipse Ti2

Modell: Eclipse Ti2.
Inverted epifluorescence, TIRF illumination.
Kontaktperson: Marta Bally, Konrad Thorsteinsson, 070-2158653

Evos FL

4x, 10x, 20x objectives. Visible/ Fluorescence.
Kontaktperson: Mitesh Dongre, 090-785 17 28

Zeiss Axiozoom v16

Zoom/stereo microscope. LED UV light source. Green, red and dual green/red long pass filter.
Kontaktperson: Ola Billing, 090-785 69 85

Olympus BX51

Modell: BX51.
Compound microscope. Equipped with DIC contrast and UV with DAPI, FITC and TRITC filters.
Kontaktperson: Ola Billing, 090-785 69 85

PALM Microbeam

Laser capture microdissection.
Kontaktperson: Pernilla Wikström, 090-785 37 52

VECTRA 3 Quantitative Pathology Imaging System

Multispectral imaging. DAPI, FITC, CY3, Texas Red, and CY5 filters.
Kontaktperson: Richard Palmqvist, 090-786 91 92, 070-645 12 50




Modell: Step One Plus.
Kontaktperson: Islam Koushikul

QuantStudio 6 Flex 2 Red/Blue

Real-time PCR
Kontaktperson: Sofie Degerman, 090-785 28 73


2x Q-PCR

Modell: QuantStudio5.
Kontaktperson: Richard Lindqvist



Biomek 4000

Pipetting robot, liquid handling.
Kontaktperson: Mikael Kimdal, 090-785 29 18


Plate readers

GloMax 96 microplate luminometer

Kontaktperson: Håkan Hedman, 090-785 28 81

SpectroMax I3

Microscopy/ spectroscopy. Compatible with differnet plate types.
Kontaktperson: James Mason, 090-785 17 28

Varioscan Flash

Plate reader.
Kontaktperson: Marta Bally, Konrad Thorsteinsson, 070-2158653

Tecan plate reader

Modell: Infinite F2000pro.
Also works as ELISA reader
Kontaktperson: Mårten Strand 

BMG Fluostar Omega

Modell Fluostar Omega. Fluorescence plate reader with C02 regulation.
Kontaktperson: Nathalie Uwamahoro, 0724520353



MinION nanopore sequencer

Long-read DNA/RNA sequencing
Kontaktperson: Jonas Nilsson, 090-785 85 61


Illumina sequencing and microarray-based analysis. SNP-genotyping, gene expression profiling and methylation analysis.
Kontaktperson: Sofie Degerman, 090-785 28 73



Bioanalyzer 2100

Modell: G2939A.
Bioanalyzer is a chip-based capillary electrophoresis machine to analyse RNA, DNA, and protein: All consumables are for sale.
Kontaktperson: Cedric Patthey, 070-534 85 26


Modell: ND-1000.
Kontaktperson: Håkan Hedman, 090-785 28 81


Tissue prep


Modell: CXT350.
Extraction of frozen biospecimens.
Kontaktperson: Erik Bovinder Ylitalo

Precellys 24 tissue hmogenizer

High-throughput bead mill homogenizer
Kontaktperson: Håkan Hedman, 090-785 28 81


Modell: 24. Tissue homogenizer.
Kontaktperson: Jan Olsson, 070-5133378

NorDiag Arrow robot

DNA/RNA preparation.
Kontaktperson: Jan Olsson, 070-5133378

gentleMACS Octo Dissociator

Semi-automated tissue dissociation and homogenization.
Kontaktperson: Sofie Degerman, 090-785 28 73



Ice machine

Kontaktperson: Anne Israelsson, 073-8415180

Ice machine

Kontaktperson: Clas Wikström, 070-3834488


Modell: Millipore. Highly pure water, only small volumes.
Kontaktperson: Anne Israelsson, 073-8415180


Modell: ELGA. Deionized water.
Kontaktperson: Nathalie Uwamahoro, 0724520353


Senast uppdaterad: 2025-01-03