32nd EECERA annual conference. Developing sustainable early childhood education systems: comparisons, contexts and the cognoscenti: Conference proceedings. Book of Abstracts : 260-261
European Educational Research Summer School (EERSS) 2024, Educational Research in Europe: decolonise, democratise and develop. Legacies and futurities, Porto, Portugal, July 1-5, 2024
Australian and International Journal of Rural Education, The Society for the Provision of Education in Rural Australia (SPERA) 2024, Vol. 34, (1) : 108-121
Australian and International Journal of Rural Education, The Society for the Provision of Education in Rural Australia (SPERA) 2024, Vol. 34, (1) : 108-121
2022 EASS & ISSA World congress of sociology of sport: Why does sociology matter? The role of sport sociology in interdisciplinary research: Book of abstracts
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Nordlund, Madelene; Wickman, Kim; Karp, Staffan; et al.
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Pettersson, Gerd; Ström, Kristina; Silfver, Eva; et al.