Fanny Pettersson, JörgenFrom och J OlaLindberg hälsar välkomna.
9.00-9.45 Keynote
Keynote av Michael K Barbour - Pandemic Pedagogy, Remote Teaching, and Online Learning: Deciphering the Development of K-12 Distance Education
10.00-10.20 Forskningspresentation
Katarina Parfa Koskinen - The practice of remote Sámi language education –doing Indigenous efflorescence
10.30-10.50 Forskningspresentation
Katarina Öjefors Stark, Jörgen From och Fanny Pettersson - Organizational pre-conditions for remote teaching - On school digitalization and leadership
11.00-11.20 Forskningspresentation
Simon Skog - Towards a new understanding of pedagogical aspects of remote teaching – reflections on the practice and elaboration of a theoretical model
Diskussioner och reflektioner, så här långt
13.00-13.45 Keynote
Keynote av Rachel Shanks - Can we make a Third Space for remote teaching, online learning and distance education?
14.00-14.20 Forskningspresentation
Thomas Ryberg och Christian Dalsgaard - Extended learning spaces – a model for expanding teaching beyond the classroom
14.30-14.50 Forskningspresentation
Josef Siljebo och Fanny Pettersson - Swedish Remote Teaching as a Situated Learning Environment
15.00-15.20 Forskningspresentation
Jered Borup - Theory and Practice in the New Normal: Where Are We and Where Do We Go from Here?
Diskussioner, reflektioner och summering av dagen
Senast uppdaterad: 2023-02-13
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