Vår grupp bedriver translationell forskning riktad mot frisk och sjuk skelett- och hjärtmuskulatur. Vår forskning omfattar studier av muskler och nerver på strukturell och molekylär nivå, muskelmetabolism, neuromuskulär signalering och muskelutveckling
The mission is to increase knowledge on the mechanisms behind specialised muscle function, adaptation and regeneration and consequences of muscle disorders through innovative and interdisciplinary research. In particular, we have special special focus on:
- Pleomorphism of human muscles - Neuromuscular diseases - Sports medicine - Aging
Main methodologies used include biochemistry, enzyme- and immunohistochemistry, ultrastructure and cell cultures. The research unit is prominent in methodological development for advanced microscopy and morphological analysis.
We provide education in muscle biology and techniques for analysis of muscles at macroscopic and molecular levels to scientists, physicians and students