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Chinmay Dwibedi Lab

Forskargrupp Our group aims to study human gut microbes at a high resolution to study functional differences.

For more information, please visit our group website: dwibedilab.org

The Dwibedi lab focuses on studying human gut microbes at high resolution, with a particular interest in adaptive evolution and functional variation across different bacterial strains. We aim to identify functional overlaps across bacterial taxa and assess the fitness and prevalence of different strains based on geography, age, body sites, health status, and human evolutionary history. Additionally, we aim to understand how gut bacteria may be used as effective therapeutic agents and how the microbiome may influence specific drug responses. Our long-term goal is to advance microbiome-aided therapies by improving our understanding of the functional role of specific gut microbes in health and disease



Medverkande institutioner och enheter vid Umeå universitet

Institutionen för klinisk mikrobiologi



Externa finansiärer

Knut och Alice Wallenbergs stiftelse, Vetenskapsrådet

Externa finansiärer

Illustration av en boll med tekniska illustrationer i form av en boll.
Ny gruppledare inom datadriven infektionsforskningsmiljö i Umeå

Chinmay Dwibedi har börjat sin nya tjänst som gruppledare vid MIMS och DDLS-stipendiat.

Senast uppdaterad: 2025-02-21