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Traineeship at the university

If you want to do a traineeship/internship at Umeå University, you will need to contact the department or unit of your interest directly. You also need to check with your home university if the traineeship is approved.

Note that if you carry out a traineeship you will not be considered a student at the university (you will not be established in the study administrative system) which means that Umeå University will not issue credits for your traineeship.

Contact details to departments

There is no central coordination of incoming traineeships. Therefore it is important that you inquire about your traineeship to the department in question. There are international contact persons at most departments. Start by asking if the department of your choice wants to be your traineeship host.

Erasmus students

There are a few courses, offered to exchange students, that includes project work. To enroll in such a course there has to be a formal exchange agreement between Umeå University and your home university, and you need to be nominated for exchange studies.

Placement at the University hospital

Placements at the University hospital are organised for exchange students enrolled in a course that includes clinical training. If you are not coming to Umeå University as an exchange student, you are not able to have a placement at the hospital.


It is difficult to find housing in Umeå, so we do not advise you to rely on finding your accommodation after your arrival. Usually trainees must find their own accommodation.

Here we list a few tips about how you can find a home in Umeå.
Housing in Umeå.
Accommodation for shorter stays.
Finding a home.


Incoming trainees at the university are covered by collective insurance for foreign visitors. The insurance is provided by the Swedish Legal, Financial and Administrative Agency (Kammarkollegiet).

European students should bring the European Health Insurance Card which gives you right to necessary medical and dental care on the same conditions, and for the same costs, as Swedish citizens.

Residence Permit

If you are a citizen in a country outside of the EU, you need a residence permit for a traineeship. Please read more on the Swedish Migration Agency webpage. 

Practical questions about living in Umeå and Sweden

In our International Student Guide you’ll find practical information aimed at international students, some may also be relevant to international trainees at the university.

Latest update: 2024-03-26