Umeå University offers scholarships for postdoctoral qualifications. The aim of these scholarships is to allow researchers to visit Umeå University to conduct independent research to develop professionally and to qualify for academic positions.
Please note that this is a scholarship and not an employment. For more information about terms and conditions, please contact the person specified in the advertisement.
Information about scholarships
The purpose of a postdoctoral scholarship is to enable researchers to visit Umeå University and carry out independent research in order to qualify for further training and academic positions. There are certain conditions for scholarships in Sweden.
Internal and external scholarships
In Sweden, scholarships are tax free as long as they are given for educational purposes and not compensation for work.
There are two different kinds of scholarships at Umeå University:
There are differences between internal and external scholarship when it comes to conditions, payment routines e.g.
Scholarship conditions
The following applies for all scholarships (both internal and external)
Development plan
To make it clear that the scholarship is intended for further qualifications and does not constitute compensation for work, the head of department is responsible for making sure that a professional development plan is drawn up and a supervisor is appointed. The aim of the plan is to guarantee that the scholarship holder will receive high-quality training, as well as to show that the scholarship is awarded for educational purposes and not as compensation for work.
Taxation rules
The rules for scholarships are regulated in the Income Tax Act (1999:1229). The Swedish Tax Agency states that:
A scholarship is tax exempt if
Scholarships paid via Umeå University (internal) are limited to two years.
Scholarships paid by external funders might sometimes continue for a longer time period, make sure that the total time will not exceed the three year rule. If so, your scholarship might be come an object to taxation.
Payment routines
Make sure to get information about the payment routines for your specific scholarship. Ask your PI or HR support at the department.
Umeå Postdoc Society with 220 postdocs at campus works successfully to improve the postdoc experience.
Aicha needed something more challenging, and applied for the 'EC' postdoc programme at Umeå University.
'EC' Postdoc Baptiste marvels at how molecular mechanisms shape cell destiny and physiology.
'EC' Postdoc Dhruv has followed his passion for microbiology and life science throughout his academic journey.
Barbaras goal was to work with bioinformatics, programming, sequence data analyses.
The aim of the society is to attain an attractive environment for postdocs, both socially and academically.