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Postdoctoral scholarships

Umeå University offers scholarships for postdoctoral qualifications. The aim of these scholarships is to allow researchers to visit Umeå University to conduct independent research to develop professionally and to qualify for academic positions.

Post-doctoral scholarship in bacterial genetics at Umeå university
Application deadline: 2025-04-16
  • Type of employment Scholarship
  • Extent 100%
  • Department Department of Molecular Biology
Postdoc in the neurobiology of feeding behavior
Application deadline: 2025-03-31
  • Type of employment Scholarship
  • Extent 100%
  • Department Department of Clinical Sciences
Postdoctoral Fellowship (2 year scholarship) in Computational and Clinical Genomics with a focus on Myocarditis
Application deadline: 2025-04-08
  • Type of employment Scholarship
  • Extent 100%
  • Department Department of Clinical Microbiology
Postdoctoral Fellowship (2 years) in Tumor Biology
Application deadline: 2025-04-05
  • Type of employment Scholarship
  • Extent 100%
  • Department Department of Medical Biosciences
Postdoctoral scholarship (2 years) in Discrete Mathematics
Application deadline: 2025-04-30
  • Type of employment Scholarship
  • Extent 100%
  • Department Department of Mathematics and Mathematical Statistics
Postdoctoral scholarship (2 years) in Mathematical Modelling and Transport Analysis
Application deadline: 2025-05-31
  • Type of employment Scholarship
  • Extent 100%
  • Department Department of Mathematics and Mathematical Statistics
Postdoctoral scholarship (2 years) in Optical Frequency Comb Spectroscopy
Application deadline: 2025-04-25
  • Type of employment Scholarship
  • Extent 100%
  • Department Department of Physics
Postdoctoral scholarship (2 years) within cancer research in C. elegans
Application deadline: 2025-03-31
  • Type of employment Scholarship
  • Extent 100%
  • Department Institutionen för Diagnostik och intervention
Postdoctoral scholarship (2 years) within Gene regulatory mechanisms in brain patterning
Application deadline: 2025-04-30
  • Type of employment Scholarship
  • Extent 100%
  • Department Institutionen för Medicinsk och translationell biologi
Postdoctoral scholarship (2 years) within polymer synthesis focused on anion exchange membranes
Application deadline: 2025-03-31
  • Type of employment Scholarship
  • Extent 100%
  • Department Department of Chemistry
Postdoctoral scholarship (2 years) within quantitative light microscopy studies of lipid membrane dynamics
Application deadline: 2025-04-01
  • Type of employment Scholarship
  • Extent 100%
  • Department Institutionen för Medicinsk och translationell biologi
Postdoctoral scholarship within Mass Spectrometry-Based Lipidomics
Application deadline: 2025-03-31
  • Type of employment Scholarship
  • Extent 100%
  • Department Avdelningen för medicin



Please note that this is a scholarship and not an employment. For more information about terms and conditions, please contact the person specified in the advertisement.

Information about scholarships

The purpose of a postdoctoral scholarship is to enable researchers to visit Umeå University and carry out independent research in order to qualify for further training and academic positions. There are certain conditions for scholarships in Sweden.

Internal and external scholarships

In Sweden, scholarships are tax free as long as they are given for educational purposes and not compensation for work. 

There are two different kinds of scholarships at Umeå University:

  • Internal - scholarship paid to you via Umeå University, regulated in Rule for scholarships at Umeå University
  • External - scholarship paid directly to you from the funding body. Each funding body decides about the conditions and routines (for example Kempestiftelserna, Carl Tryggers Stiftelse)

There are differences between internal and external scholarship when it comes to conditions, payment routines e.g.

Scholarship conditions

The following applies for all scholarships (both internal and external)

  • You cannot work when you have a tax free scholarship. Teaching and supervising students is regarded as work and therefore not allowed.
  • You are not employed and do not have access to employment benefits such as fitness reimbursement.
  • You cannot receive any taxed payments during your time as a scholarship holders. If so, you might have to pay tax for all your income.
  • You cannot receive any unemployment benefits after the scholarship ends.
  • You do not have any official parental leave, but instead the scholarship normally continues to be paid out - this can vary depending on research group, department and scholarship foundation.
  • You do not receive any payments into any pension scheme.
  • In case you turn ill, no sick deduction is made on your scholarship. If you are on long-term sick leave, you and your supervisor must agree together on how you will solve your research assignment. No sickness benefit is paid from the Swedish Social Insurance Agency.
  • You are encouraged to take at least 25 days of vacation each year. There will be no deduction of your scholarship. We recommend that you plan your vacation in discussion with your supervisor.
  • You have access to certain parts of the occupational healthcare supply. 
  • You might have access to national health benefits based on "living in Sweden" from the Swedish Social Insurance Agency. 
  • You can be a member with the local union SULF and get some support and have access to some of their member benefits.

Development plan

To make it clear that the scholarship is intended for further qualifications and does not constitute compensation for work, the head of department is responsible for making sure that a professional development plan is drawn up and a supervisor is appointed. The aim of the plan is to guarantee that the scholarship holder will receive high-quality training, as well as to show that the scholarship is awarded for educational purposes and not as compensation for work.

Taxation rules

The rules for scholarships are regulated in the Income Tax Act (1999:1229). The Swedish Tax Agency states that:

A scholarship is tax exempt if

  • it is intended for the education of the recipient or the recipient receives the scholarship for other reasons than the recipient's education such as research
  • disbursements are not made periodically, i.e. disbursed over a period exceeding three years, or monthly exceeding one year
  • the condition that a scholarship does not constitute compensation for work carried out or to be carried out on the disburser's behalf.
  • The principle is that a scholarship is always taxable if it is tied to the performance of some service in return.

Scholarships paid via Umeå University (internal) are limited to two years.

Scholarships paid by external funders might sometimes continue for a longer time period, make sure that the total time will not exceed the three year rule. If so, your scholarship might be come an object to taxation.

Payment routines

Make sure to get information about the payment routines for your specific scholarship. Ask your PI or HR support at the department.

  • For scholarships disbursed from Umeå University we are responsible for the disbursement process.
  • For scholarships disbursed directly from a foundation etc. the funding body to the scholarship holder they are responsible for the disbursement process. Some funding organisation will only disburse the scholarship to a Swedish bank account. 

Life as a postdoctor at Umeå University

scientific symposium in campus on October 3rd Young investigators symposium Umeå
Fun, career, and rights – for postdocs by postdocs

Umeå Postdoc Society with 220 postdocs at campus works successfully to improve the postdoc experience.

Digs into the role of gut microbes in mucosal barrier degradation

Aicha needed something more challenging, and applied for the 'EC' postdoc programme at Umeå University.

Unlocking secrets in RNA chemical modification during Salmonella infection

'EC' Postdoc Baptiste marvels at how molecular mechanisms shape cell destiny and physiology.

Excited to study important protein complex in model plant

'EC' Postdoc Dhruv has followed his passion for microbiology and life science throughout his academic journey.

MIMS Spotlight Series: Nóra meets post doctor Barbara Forró

Barbaras goal was to work with bioinformatics, programming, sequence data analyses.

Postdocs in Umeå stick together in Umeå Postdoc Society

The aim of the society is to attain an attractive environment for postdocs, both socially and academically.

Latest update: 2025-01-23