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Professor of Theology

Department of Historical, Philosophical and Religious Studies




  • Type of employment Permanent position
  • Extent 100%
  • Place Umeå

The Department of Historical, Philosophical and Religious Studies belongs to Umeå University's Faculty of Arts and Humanities and has about 110 employees. The department gathers researchers, teachers, and students in the fields of Archaeology, Environmental Archaeology, Philosophy, History, History and Education, History of Science and Ideas, Religious Studies, and Theology under the same roof. 

We are now looking for a Professor of Theology. 


At first- and second-cycle level, theology is a main field of study with an extensive education, but at third-cycle level it is a specialisation (historical-systematic theology) within the subject of religious studies. Within the subject, there is an ambition to develop and strengthen a research environment that is currently relatively divided between the subject's different specialisations, and a new professor is expected to contribute to joint initiatives that develop the entire theological research environment and make use of the opportunities for collaboration that exist within the broad subject of theology, and also between theological and religious studies research specialisations.

The duties include research, teaching at first, second and third cycle levels, as well as working to develop the theology subject's environment for research and doctoral education. The person is expected to initiate new research and apply for external research funding. In addition, supervision, collaboration with the surrounding society and administrative work are included. Contributing to the development of well-functioning collaborations withinin the subject of theology and with the subject of religious studies is of great importance. 

The position includes faculty funding of 30% research time. For the part of the employment that is financed by grants for education, competence development time is included (20% of the education-funded part of the employment - up to 14% of full-time), which is normally used for research and work on research applications. Currently, The Faculty of Arts and Humanities annually announces a publication-based resource for research, in which employees can apply for up to 50% faculty-funded research time for two years.

In addition to research and teaching, administration is included as well as staff, subject and planning meetings. 


To qualify for appointment as professor in theology, an applicant must have demonstrated both research and teaching expertise in theology. (Chapter 4, Section 3 of the Higher Education Ordinance). 

Research expertise refers to independent research work, the ability to plan and lead research activities, and the ability to impart information about research with the wider community. 

Teaching expertise refers to documented experience of planning, implementing, examining and evaluating teaching, and is shown through a reflective approach to student learning and one’s own role as a teacher. 

The applicant must have very good language skills in English and the ability to teach in this language.

The ability to teach in Swedish (or another Scandinavian language) within three years of the start of the employment is a requirement for the position.

Assessment criteria

The assessment criteria for the selection are: research and teaching expertise in theology, administrative expertise, experience of development work and management assignments, and good collaborative skills. The applicant must also have the skills and suitability in general that are needed to perform the duties well.

The research expertise must have been demonstrated through independent research production. Criteria for the assessment are:

  • breadth and depth of research — quality and scope
  • originality of research
  • productivity
  • contributions to the international scientific community
  • assignments within the scientific community
  • the ability to obtain external research funding in competition
  • collaboration with the surrounding community

Teaching expertise must have been demonstrated through documented experience of teaching on a scientific basis within the University. Criteria for the assessment of teaching expertise in positions based on research are:

  • the ability to plan, carry out and evaluate teaching, as well as the ability to supervise and examine students at all levels of education
  • the ability to vary teaching methods and forms of examination in relation to expected study results and the nature of the subject
  • experience of collaboration with the surrounding community in the planning and implementation of education
  • participation in the development of learning environments, teaching materials and teaching materials
  • a reflective approach to students' learning and their own role as a teacher

This expertise can be obtained through teacher training for higher education, other training relevant for teaching higher education and/ or documented, proven experience of teaching in higher education.

Weighing of assessment criteria

Particular importance shall be placed on research and teaching expertise. Equal care must be given to the assessment of teaching and research expertise. In comparing these assessment criteria, higher importance shall be given to research expertise.

Theological research and education are conducted in Umeå within the following specializations: biblical studies, historical-practical theology, church history, religious education and systematic theology (including philosophy of religion and ethics). When assessing research and teaching expertise, particular importance shall therefore be placed on expertise within these specialisations.

In addition, the content of the employment and the needs of the subject constitute the justification for the weighing of the assessment criteria below.

In the assessment of the research expertise, particular importance shall be given to:

- ability to successfully lead research groups.

In the assessing the research expertise, high importance shall be given to:

- ability to obtain external research funding.

In assessing the teaching expertise, high importance shall be given to:

- breadth of subject expertise; breadth of experience of working as a teacher of theology; ability to successfully supervise within doctoral education.

Contributing to the development of the theology subject's environment for research and doctoral education, as well as planning and implementation of teaching, involves close collaboration with colleagues. High importance must therefore be placed on good cooperation skills.

In addition, importance must be placed on administrative expertise, experience of development work and management assignments, and on the skills and suitability in general that are needed to perform the duties well.

The eligibility and assessment criteria can be found in the Appointment Procedure for Teachers at Umeå University; https://www.umu.se/en/legal-framework/human-resources-equal-opportunities-and-work-environment/appointments-procedure-for-teachers-at-umea-university2/ 


Applications will be submitted via Umeå University's e-recruitment system Varbi no later than April 28th 2025.

Information on the documents to be attached to the application can be found in The Faculty of Arts and Humanities' instructions for applications: https://www.umu.se/contentassets/50940fbdac714459ad8b6a4406596619/humanistiska-fakultetens-anvisningar-for-ansokningar-om-anstallning-och-befordran-annonser-publicerade-from-240129.pdf 

Please note that digital copies of publications must be attached to the application. For this position, no project plan needs to be submitted.

Other information

The employment is permanent, fulltime , starting by agreement. 

The place of work is Umeå. In order to carry out teaching, participate in seminars and meetings and fulfil other tasks included in the employment, a high level of presence in the environment is required.

For further information about the position, please contact Head of Department Jonas Nilsson (+4690-7869990, jonas.nilsson@umu.se) and HR coordinator Anna Bladh, (anna.bladh@umu.se).

For more information about the department, see: https://www.umu.se/en/department-of-historical-philosophical-and-religious-studies/ 

Welcome with your application!

Information box


starting by agreement


Monthly salary

Application deadline


Registration number

AN 2.2.1-1458-24


Jonas Nilsson, Head of Department


Anna Bladh, HR Coordnator


Union representative







Umeå University wants to offer an equal environment where open dialogue between people with different backgrounds and perspectives lay the foundation for learning, creativity and development. We welcome people with different backgrounds and experiences to apply for the current employment. We kindly decline offers of recruitment and advertising help.