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June 19

9:30-9:50 Coffee
9:50-10:00 Katharina Hauck, Imperial College London, Welcome

10:00-11:00 Dr Edith Patouillard, WHO, Strengthening pandemic preparedness and response through integrated modelling

11:00-11:30 Patrick Doohan, Imperial College London, Integrated epidemiological-economic models for pandemic mitigation policies: A scoping review
11:30-11:45 Discussion: Shirley Crankson, Brunel University London

11:45-12:15 Guillaume Morel, University of Strasbourg, Infectious disease and endogenous cycles: lockdown hits two birds with one stone
12:15-12:30 Discussion: Anh Pham, Imperial College London

12:30-13:30 Lunch

13:30-14:00 Jonatan Riberth, Stockholm University, Medical scandals and vaccine hesitancy
14:00-14:15 Discussion: Mirko De Maria, Imperial College London

14:15-14:45 Mirko De Maria, Imperial College London, How Malleable Are COVID-19 Related Perceptions? Evidence from a Light-Touch Information-&-Sensitisation Intervention
14:45-15:00 Discussion: Jule Beck, University of Konstanz

15:00-15:30 Break, Coffee

15:30-16:00 Annika Lindskog, University of Gothenburg, Conditional Persistence? Historical Disease Exposure and Government Response to COVID-19
16:00-16:15 Discussion: Guillaume Morel, University of Strasbourg

16:15-16:45 Jule Beck, University of Konstanz, Food Insecurity Deteriorates Mental Health in Africa: Causal Evidence from an Instrumental Variable Analysis
16:45-17:00 Discussion: Utkarsh Choudhary, Krea University

17:00-17:30 Gemma Nedjati Gilani, Imperial College, Vaccination strategies against Ebola Virus Disease: Health impacts, stockpile needs and cost effectiveness
17:30-17:45 Discussion: Matteo Pianella, Stockholm University

19:00 Dinner

June 20

9:00-10:00 Professor Aditya Goenka, University of Birmingham, Economic Epidemiological modelling: A progress report

10:00-10:30 Break, Coffee

10:30-11:00 Shirley Crankson, Brunel University London, Lockdowns and vaccinations: Could Ghana’s COVID-19 interventions reduce the outbreaks’ long-term epidemiological and economic consequences in Ghana?
11:00-11:15 Discussion: Elvira Lara-Tuprio, Ateneo de Manila University

11:15-11:45 Steinar Holden, University of Oslo, Optimal intervention strategies for a new SARS-CoV-2 variant
11:45-12:00 Discussion: Patrick Doohan, Imperial College London

12:00-13:00 Lunch

13:00-13:30 Elvira Lara-Tuprio, Ateneo de Manila University, Assessing Economic Losses with COVID-19 Integrated Models: A Retrospective Analysis
13:30-13:45 Discussion: Christian Morgenstern, Imperial College London

13:45-14:15 Utkarsh Choudhary, Krea University, Digital divide and Learning Losses: The Mitigating Impact of Home Internet Access During Shocks
14:15-14:30 Discussion: Jonathan Riberth, Stockholm University

14:30-14:35 Closure  

14:35-15:00 Coffee

Latest update: 2024-06-17