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Agneta Marell
Albin Bjurman
Alice Annelin

I'm a lecturer in accounting. My research focus is on transdisciplinary competence. I am a partner in the Impact Network for Regenerative Futures.

Alina Bavykina

Doctoral student in Business Administration with focus on community entrepreneurship in the rural Arctic

Anders Larsson
Anders Lindmark
Anders Lundquist

I'm associate professor (Swedish: docent) in Statistics, department head at Department of Statistics / assistant head of USBE. I´m affiliated to Umeå center for functional brain imaging (UFBI).

André Gyllenram
Angelos Kostis
Anita Lindmark
Annika Andersson
Balder Bergström
Bekzat Musrepova

Bekzat Musrepova is a PhD candidate in business administration (management) with a research interest in digital transformation.

Bilal Omarov
Catherine Lions
Christopher Nicol
Dan Frost

Director of Studies, Business Administration.
Member of the Faculty of Social Science education committee.
International engagement in Tuning Educational Structures in Europe, Tuning EU-China, CaloHex

Daniel Kaiser
David Källberg
David Skog
David Stenberg
Elin Nilsson

Elin Nilsson is lecturer, associate professor (docent) and excellent teacher in business administration with a focus on marketing and consumer behaviour.

Emma Persson
Eric Pekkari Juto
Filip Edström

PhD student in Statistics at USBE, interested in causal models and their applications in AI, currently focusing on fairness in machine learning and synthetic data generation.

Frank Figge
Galina Biedenbach

Associate Professor (Docent) in Business Administration with specialization in marketing. Section coordinator – marketing. Program coordinator – Master’s program in marketing.


Gauthier Lanot

My research interests are in empirical micro-economics and econometrics, labour and public economics and public finance.

Giovanni Forchini

I am an econometrician interested many things ...

Guillaume Morel
Gustav Heldestad
Göran Bostedt

Associate professor, natural resource economics. Visiting professor in forest policy, SLU. Deputy Director, CERE, Center for Environmental and Natural Resource Economics.

Göran Carli
Hanna Lindström

Assistant professor. Main research field: public procurement, environmental policy evaluation, design and implementation, consumer preferences and producer behaviour. 

Henry Lopez Vega

Researching Digital/AI Transformation, Innov. Ecosystems, Global Strategy

Co-ordinator of the AI seminars at the Centre for Transdisciplinary AI and the Professional Programme in Service Management

Herman Stål
Huixia Wang
Irina Alexeyeva
Jacob Larsson
Jan Bodin
Jenny Häggström

External website: www.jennyhaggstrom.com

Jessica Eriksson

Associate professor (docent) in business administration, active in the section for entrepreneurship.

Jessica Fahlen
Joakim Wallmark
Johan Gustafsson
Johan Jansson

Prof. in business admin. spec. marketing and A. Head of Dept. Research/teaching in sustainability, consumption, circular economy, communication, travel, electrification and passenger transport.

Johan Lundberg

Director of CERUM. My research include regional growth and migration, local public expenditures-, investments and taxes, local labor markets, consumer behavior, and public procurement.

Johan Strandberg
Johan Svensson
Josline Otieno

My research interest is in predictive modeling and machine learning.

Kadri Meister
Karl Johan Bonnedahl
Katharina Jenderny
Kenneth Backlund
Kumuduni Rashikala
Lars Lindbergh
Lina Schelin
Linda Hollebeek
Liping Lu
Lisa Klaminder
Lucas Haskell
Magdalena Markowska

Magdalena Markowska's research is focused on entrepreneurship and investigates identity, gender, the interplay between structure and agency as well as the role of context in entrepreneurial endeavors.

Magnus Ekström
Malin Näsholm

Malin Harryson Näsholm is an Associate Professor in Management and Organization and Director of Studies in Business Administration.

Maria Josefsson

I am an associate professor (senior lecturer) and docent in Statistics. My research mainly involves methods for studying age-related cognitive change.

Maria Karlsson
Marie Eriksson

I am a professor in statistics with a special interest in statistical applications in medicine, including register studies, epidemiology and clinical trials.

Marie Wiberg

Research interest include educational measurement and psychometrics in general, especially test equating, parametric and nonparametric item response theory, and international large-scale assessments.

Marie-Theres Mayr
Markus Hällgren

Markus Hällgren (markus.hallgren@umu.se) is a professor of management and organization at Umeå School of Business and Economics. More information; www.markushallgren.com & www.tripleed.com

Mathias Lundin
Mats Bergman

Professor of Economics

Dean, Umeå School of Business, Economics and Statistics

Mattias Jacobsson
Maxim Vlasov

Assistant professor in entrepreneurship

Medhanie Gaim
Mikael Svedberg
Minna Genbäck
Monika Larsson
Natalie Toft

Natalie Toft is a PhD student in business administration, specializing in management. She studies leadership and identity processes in the Swedish police.

Niclas Hell
Niklas Hanes

Norbert Steigenberger is a professor in entrepreneurship at Umeå School of Business, Economics and Statistics.

Oscar Stålnacke
Oskar Wing
Peter Edlund Frii
Peter Gustafsson
Quang Evansluong

Dr. Evansluong's research interests center on immigrant entrepreneurship, integration, sustainable entrepreneurship and CSR.

Quynh Le
Robin Herbert

Doctoral student in business administration (marketing) since January 2021. Research interests in sustainability, branding, norms, spillover effects and traffic.

Roger Smedh

Works at the student service office for Business Administration with administrative tasks aimed at students and staff.

Sally Pierce
Samielle Drake

PhD student at the department of economics since december of 2020. My research interests include market competition, auction theory and sustainable public procurement.

Samuel Tiveskog
Sandra Rådahl
Sara Widmark
Sef Meens Eriksson
Sergio Alves
Sofia Isberg
Sofia Karlsson
Sofia Molander
Sophie Jané

Sophie is a senior lecturer in management. She studies inclusion, legitimacy, and sensemaking in organizations, particularly within challenging and uncertain contexts.

Susanne Nilsson

Works at the Student Service Office for Business Administration with administrative tasks aimed at students and staff.

Tetiana Gorbach

My research concerns developing statistical methods for analyses with missing data applied to cognitive ageing and dementia research as well as causal inference.


Therese Sarlin
Thomas Biedenbach
Tobias Svanström

Tobias Svanström is a Professor in Business Administration (Accounting) at Umeå School of Business, Economics and Statistics. 

Tomas Blomquist

Professor in Business Administration, Areas of interest: Innovation, Digitalization, IoT, Business models, Entrepreneurship, Project management, and Career development.

Tomas Raattamaa
Ulrica Nylen
Ulrika Leijerholt

Ulrika Leijerholt is an associate professor in marketing. Her research focus is on various aspects of public sector branding.

External webpage: www.ulrikaleijerholt.com

Victor Åström
Virginie Fernandez

Virginie is an Senior Lecturer in Management. Interested in collective action in risky and emergency contexts, her current projects deal with sensemaking, embodiment and temporality.

Vladimir Vanyushyn

Associate Professor (Docent) specializing in inter-firm collaboration for innovation and internationalization and quantitative modeling of both survey and register-based data.

Wesley Da Paixao De Oliveira

Ph.D. student in business administration (entrepreneurship) since March 2022, and with a research project related to complex innovations in AI ecosystems.

Xavier de Luna

My research consists in developing machine learning methods to discover and study causal relationships when using large amount of data. Stat4Reg Lab: www.stat4reg.se 

Xijia Liu
Zsuzsanna Vincze

Zsuzsanna Vincze is an Associate Professor (docent) in Entrepreneurship and the coordinator of the Entrepreneurship section at Umeå School of Business, Economics and Statistics. 

Latest update: 2018-12-05