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Alumni at USBE

If you have a degree (or a large part of your courses) from us, then you are one of our alumni. We are very keen to keep in touch with you for knowledge exchange with working life. Physical distance can be a challenge for physical visits, but we are happy to try online platforms for guest lectures, mentorships or support of networking initiatives. We are open to different ways of engaging with you as an alumni and always strive towards a mutual benefit. Welcome to suggest your ideas as well.


Networking is important. More than 8,000 students have graduated from USBE over the years. Among these, of course, there are many unofficial networks. However, the links between those who have studied many years apart from each other are harder to create as an individual alumni. Our goal is to support this, partly in digital form, through LinkedIn but also via physical meetings (Stockholm is of course a major hub but we have also had meetings in Gothenburg and communicate international meetings arranged through Swedish Institute och via partnered meetings by several universities. If we can identify a group large enough we can always discuss the possibility of setting up a meeting.

Alumni group on LinkedIn

Almost 1000 of our alumni are now gathered in our group USBE Alumni on LinkedIn. Submit your request to join the group via www.linkedin.com/groups/4846933/

Our organisational LinkedIn page

We also post updates on our organisational LinkedIn page. Welcome to follow us at www.linkedin.com/school/handelshogskolan-umu/


Sign up for our newsletter which we plan to send out once a year. Then you are also on our list to receive invitations.

Sign up for newsletter

Interaction in different ways

Besides supporting networking among alumni we of course see a great potential in creating links between our current students and you as alumni. It can, as mentioned above, be done through guest lectures, cases, internships, thesis or mentoring. As an alumni, you are always welcome to contact us with ideas and suggestions for collaboration.

Examples of activities:


We have started an online version of mentoring in “light format”. This way of mentoring gives you as an alumni the opportunity to easily interact with a student no matter where in the world you live. The student will gain insight into a work role or industry as well as the opportunity to ask their own questions about expectations, valuable attributes or other aspects that the student is reflecting on.
Meetings can be done over an online visual software such as Skype but we also have experienced that regular phone calls can meet expectations.

Make a declaration of interest by sending us and email and we will try to create a match against one of our current students.

Comments from participants:

“I just had my third mentor meeting yesterday, and I think it's absolutely fantastically rewarding!

“A superb match and incredibly skilled person who is so valuable to talk to. Such a great initiative ”

"Brilliant idea of light mentorship that I saw in the alumni group at Linkedin is happy to be a mentor if you wish"

“Great initiative, such a mentor I would have liked when I was a student myself, so I would love to be matched up with a student at USBE!”

Guest lectures

Give a talk about your professional journey from studies to today with a focus on your current professional role. We will try to set up an online setting that works and strive to keep it interactive.
Guest lectures are usually very much appreciated by our students. Guest lectures within courses can of course also be more detailed and technical with connection to the work area you as an alumni work within.


Normally very much appreciated by our students and rewarding for participating companies. Requires a longer preparation and must fit into one of our courses.


More than 100 of our students go out internships every year. They identify themselves what they want to do and where, but of course we look forward to being able to advise on companies with alumni who are willing to receive an intern for 10 weeks (sometimes longer solutions are possible as well). In the vast majority of cases, there is a clear mutual benefit with both satisfied students and receiving companies.


Thesis can be a good source of information and information for decisions in companies' operations. The majority of our students write a large essay of 30 points (20 weeks) in their last semester, but there are also many who write 15-point essays (10 weeks). As a rule, all theses are performed by two students.

The students are responsible for identifying topics and relevant industries / companies to work with for data collection. However, we are happy to communicate the suggestions we receive from organisations and companies, which many students are happy to take on.

Welcome with a thesis proposal or contact us if you want to discuss in more detail what possibilities may be available.

The USBE Alumni foundation scholarship

The USBE Alumni foundation has since 2006 distributed a scholarship of SEK 10,000 to a student at USBE who has excelled and contributed according to our vision and mission and supported a stimulating learning environment. The scholarship has since 2010 been awarded in collaboration with Swedbank and this is done in conjunction with our annual graduation ceremony.

The recipients of the scholarship should have contributed during his / her study time by:

  • Promoting development and quality in education and research at USBE
  • Supporting other USBE students' education and development

Previous years recipients

Douglas Drake, student at the Business and Economics Programme (Civilekonomprogrammet).
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Hjalmar Johnson, student at the Business Administration and Economics Programme (Civilekonomprogrammet).
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Mathias Särkimukka, Retail and Supply Chain Management Program but with a chosen specialization in Accounting.
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Javier Jo, Master program in Finance.
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Jenny Uneby, Service Management Program.
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André Netzén Örn, Master program in Economics and also aiming for a degree in Business Administration.
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Anna Neglén, for her engagement in issues related to the study environment and quality of education through her commitment within the student association HHUS. In addition, Anna has enriched the surrounding study environment at USBE through a committed.

Meiju Vartiainen, for having shown a great personal drive and social commitment through her entrepreneurship that inspired fellow students and received national attention.

Ebba Eriksson, for her involvement in projects in collaboration with the business community.

Joacim Lindgren, for his broad commitment to the benefit of their fellow students, and HHUS USBE.

Kaya van Enckevort, for her commitment as student representative and contributions to our master's program.

Ludwig Sikström, for his deep and broad commitment to the benefit of all students in business administration.

Fanny Brodin, for its involvement in HHUS, SIFE and Young Supply Chain Professionals.

Jonas Broman, for his work with HHUS Breakfast Club.



There are currently no upcoming events for this area. Do you want to see upcoming events for the entire university? Go to our calendar.


Rickard Lindberg

E-mail: rickard.lindberg@umu.se

Phone: +4690-786 68 04

Visting address: Social Sciences Building, see map.


USBE Alumni Foundation Prize 2023

This year´s recipient is Douglas Drake, student at Business and Economics Programme (Civilekonomprogrammet).

USBE Alumni Foundation Prize 2022

This year´s recipient is Hjalmar Johnson, student at the Business Administration and Economics Programme.

USBE Alumni Foundation Prize 2021

This year´s recipient is Mathias Särkimukka, student at The Supply Chain Management Programme.

Latest update: 2025-02-13