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Department of Economics

The department of Economics employs about 35 academics involved in research and teaching. The department delivers the economics module as part of the professional degree programs. At the master’s level, the department offers a general economic two-year program, as well as specialized two-year programs in environmental and resource economics and in health economics.

The department produces both theoretical and empirical research and focuses on public economics, public finance, labor economics, environmental economics and resource economics. In general, our research is oriented towards current policy issues of societal interest.

The department has an international outlook and employs economists trained in Sweden and elsewhere. The department welcomes Swedish and international researchers who visit and contribute to its weekly research seminars.

Latest publications in Economics

Environmental and Resource Economics
Amjadi, Golnaz; Bostian, Moriah B.; Lindström, Hanna; et al.
Journal of Regulatory Economics
Söderberg, Magnus; Vesterberg, Mattias
Journal of Forest Economics, Now Publishers Inc. 2025, Vol. 39, (4)
Zabel, Astrid; Bostedt, Göran
En man med vit skjorta

Assistant Head of Department

Tomas Sjögren

En man som står framför en skog

Director of Studies

Tomas Raattamaa

En man med glasögon poserar för en bild

Head of Research

David Granlund

Giovanni ForchiniProfessor vid Handelshögskolan vid Umeå universitetEnhet: Nationalekonomi

Director of Doctoral Studies

Giovanni Forchini

Other administrative assignments

Student Administrator

Study Advisor

Programme Coordinator

Programme Advisor

Contact us

Visiting address

Social Sciences Building
Level 2 (ground floor)

Mailing address

Umeå University
SE-901 87 Umeå


Sara Widmark, administrator
+46 90 786 6841

Latest update: 2021-03-12