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The Management Section

We conduct broad and multidisciplinary research and provide courses on a variety of management topics on all levels.

The Management discipline is one of the disciplines at the Department of Business Administration and the USBE quality management system accredited by AACSB.

Management is a broad field encompassing aspects of organisations and organising, strategy, sustainability, leadership and more. The research and teaching undertaken in the Management section are both extensive and vibrant. We are built upon diverse and complementary competencies and aim to develop responsible leaders and citizens for a local and global society.

The Management section provide a variety of management courses, both at the undergraduate and the master levels. Drawing on our multidisciplinary research, our courses are designed to equip our students with the knowledge and competencies they need to deal with the current and future needs of organizations and society. Our courses include, but are not limited to Organization, Leading and Organizing in an International Context, Perspectives on Strategy, Project management, and Organizational change. Our Master’s program is specifically designed for students interested in the strategic and leadership challenges managers face in the contemporary business world. Supported by frontline research, the program offers a sound theoretical grounding of essential management theories and concepts and various opportunities to put these theoretical understandings into practice - these occur within an international environment and are underpinned by a sustainability orientation.

Our faculty engage in a wide range of methodologies, from ethnographic fieldwork and interviews to surveys and databases to fiction. Researchers in the Management section are active within three research environments of the Department of Business Administration.

  • TripleED: The research program Extreme Environments – Everyday Decisions (TripleEd) does research on extreme contexts – settings where people may get hurt or killed – with the aim of improving society’s capability to handle current and future crises. The research program is interdisciplinary and international. The research team consists of researchers from pedagogy, computer science, sociology, and business administration, with their bases in Sweden, the United Kingdom, and Canada. www.tripleed.com
  • Projects, Innovation and Networks: Research in the field of PIN focuses on the profound challenges faced by society when trying to expand the organisational and business sector boundaries in order to manage uncertainty and change and to promote innovation and boost competitiveness.
  • AI-Management is a collaboration with the Centre for Transdisciplinary Artificial Intelligence for the Good of All (TAIGA) at Umeå University. The theme focuses on how AI can be used as a resource in organisational settings. AI management is organised by TripleEd at the Department of Business Administration and the Swedish Center for Digital Innovation (SCDI) at the department of Informatics.

The section collaborates on several courses and research projects with external parties at regional, national, and international levels. The section welcomes collaborations in both research and teaching.

Section coordinator

Faculty and staff

Latest publications

Annals of Tourism Research, Elsevier 2025, Vol. 110
Løland, Stig; Hällgren, Markus
Debating 'Homo academicus' in management and organization: ontological assumptions and practical implications, Palgrave Macmillan 2025 : 225-249
Jacobsson, Mattias; Söderholm, Anders
Journal of Health Organization & Management, Emerald Group Publishing Limited 2025, Vol. 39, (9) : 16-35
Jacobsson, Mattias; Harryson Näsholm, Malin
Journal of Management Studies
Hällgren, Markus; Geiger, Daniel; Rouleau, Linda; et al.
International Journal of Project Management, Elsevier 2025, Vol. 43, (2)
Jacobsson, Mattias; Jałocha, Beata
The routledge companion to improvisation in organizations, Abingdon; New York: Routledge 2024 : 50-64
Pina e Cunha, Miguel; Gaim, Medhanie; Clegg, Stewart
Industrial Marketing Management, Elsevier 2024, Vol. 116 : 158-169
Kostis, Angelos; Albers, Sascha; Vanderstraeten, Johanna; et al.
Journal of Contingencies and Crisis Management, John Wiley & Sons 2024, Vol. 32, (1)
Fernandez, Virginie; Giordano, Yvonne; Hällgren, Markus
European Management Review
Farashah, Ali; Blomquist, Tomas; Bešić, Almina
International Journal of Project Management, Elsevier 2024, Vol. 42, (2)
Unterhitzenberger, Christine; Naderpajouh, Nader; Hällgren, Markus; et al.
London: Sage Publications 2024
Gaim, Medhanie; Clegg, Stewart R.; Pina e Cunha, Miguel
The 12th Nordic Conference on Construction Economics and Organisation, CREON, Trondheim, Norway, 30–31 May, 2024
Musrepova, Bekzat; Biedenbach, Thomas; Jacobsson, Mattias
The 12th Nordic Conference on Construction Economics and Organisation, CREON, Trondheim, Norway, 30–31 May, 2024
Musrepova, Bekzat; Biedenbach, Thomas; Jacobsson, Mattias
the 15th IRNOP Conference, Stockholm, Sweden, June 11-14, 2024
Jacobsson, Mattias; Linderoth, Henrik
European Management Journal, Elsevier 2024, Vol. 42, (1) : 130-141
Svensson, Martin; Jacobsson, Mattias
Industrial Marketing Management, Elsevier 2024, Vol. 121 : 16-26
Holmström, Jonny; Kostis, Angelos; Galariotis, Emilios; et al.
Technovation, Elsevier 2024, Vol. 135
Abi Saad, Elie; Agogué, Marine
Research handbook on Artificial Intelligence and decision making in organizations, Edward Elgar Publishing 2024 : 38-57
Kostis, Angelos; Sundberg, Leif; Holmström, Jonny
Management Learning
Hällgren, Markus; Buchanan, David A.
Technological forecasting & social change, Elsevier 2024, Vol. 208
Nicol, Christopher; Kostis, Angelos; Lidström, Johan; et al.

All publications in Business Administration

Latest update: 2025-01-09