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SPA – Seminar series for Pedagogical Leaders

SPA is a seminar series for pedagogical leaders. The guiding light of the series is to, primarily through collegial exchange, have a positive influence on the pedagogical leaders.

The Centre for Eductional Development (UPL) arrange SPA as three lunch seminars per semester. During each seminar, the attendants are seated in groups of five to six people. We strive to achieve a mix of faculty affiliation and gender at each table. The seminars use Swedish as spoken language.

Each seminar is themed. The first third of the lunch seminar is dedicated to a thematic introduction, which is mostly done by a pedagogical leader at the university or sometimes by invited guests.

During the middle section, the participants discuss the theme at each table.

The final part is dedicated to feedback from each table, which may be of interest to the other participants. Notes are taken during each seminar and they are later distributed to the participants.

In a study of this seminar activity, during which a number of seminar participants were interviewed, the following reasons for Pedagogical Leaders to participate were given:

  1. SPA has a social function for directors of studies/Pedagogical Leaders, unlike any other.
  2. SPA generates a collegial network; contacts across both departmental and faculty lines which can be utilised to varying extents.
  3. SPA develops its own, somewhat diffuse profession, through exchanging experiences and strengthening identity.
  4. SPA acts as a source of inspiration for initiating discussions on pedagogical development at the different departments.

The Centre for Educational Development also offers a course in Pedagogical leadership in Swedish.


The invitation to our SPA seminars is addressed to those responsible for teaching and registration takes place on the Canvas site "SPA - Seminar Series for those responsible for teaching".


On our Canvas site for the seminar series, you will find previous invitations and memorabilia from all seminars since 2004 when SPA was started.

SPA archive in Canvas



Any questions about your registration? Please contact us at UPL

Latest update: 2024-08-15