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HandUm is a programme that aims to support the University's doctoral supervisors. HandUm includes the course Postgraduate supervision in practice, as well as seminars.

The seminar series aims to support and develop doctoral supervisors in their professional role as supervisor. The seminars are a forum in which the doctoral supervisors from different faculties and departments can meet, make contacts, learn from one another's expertise and become an informal and supportive collegial network.

The meetings are held twice each semester in the form of lunch seminars. An invited guest presents a current theme. Thoughts, comments and questions on the theme are later discussed in groups and in full assembly.

The HandUm planning group with representatives from each faculty, the Planning Office and UPL meet once or twice per year to discuss the doctoral supervisor courses and make suggestions for relevant themes for the seminars. Some example of such themes are: Supervisor teams, Structured doctoral education, Assessing doctoral theses, Supervising academic writing at doctoral level, Recruiting PhD students and Supervision prior to publishing.

General information

The supervisors who have undertaken and completed the course in Postgraduate supervision in practice are sent a special invitation to the lunch seminars.


Any questions about your registration? Please contact us at UPL

Latest update: 2024-08-16