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UPL's upcoming courses

Here we list UPL's upcoming courses, due to unforeseen events the offerings may change in the future. (E) = The course will be given in English

Spring semester 2025

New as a university teacher
Basic Course in Higher Eduation, campus (GRU17)
Communication for learning (E)
Education for Sustainable Development
Assessment and Evaluation
Supervision in Higher Education
Pedagogical Development work in Higher Education (New course)
Postgraduate Supervision in Practice (spring (E) and summer)

Autumn semester 2025

New as a university teacher (E)
Basic Course in Higher Eduation, campus (GRU19)
Basic Course in Higher Eduation, online (GRU18) (E)
Education for Sustainable Developmen
Communication for learning (E)
Didactics for university teachers
Creativity and co-creation
Pedagogical Digital Competence
Pedagogisk mentorskapskurs
Postgraduate Supervision in Practice (E)

Latest update: 2024-08-28