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These are the courses in teaching and learning in higher education that you can apply for at the moment. Registration for courses in the spring opens August 15 and closes October 15. Registration for courses in the autumn opens February 15 and closes April 15. We extend the registration period if needed.

Introduction course

An introductory course for the inexperienced teacher

New as a university teacher

This course gives you the opportunity to gain a fundamental knowledge of teaching and educational work during this course. 
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Basic courses

The course Basic higher education pedagogy is designed to contribute to basic eligibility for employment as a teacher. You need to have some teaching experience and/or have taken the introductory course.

Basic course in higher education pedagogy, online course

During the course, you will get the opportunity to develop your knowledge of the learning process, your ability to support learning and to develop a reflective approach to your own teaching role. 
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Basic course in higher education pedagogy, campus course

During the course, you will get the opportunity to develop your knowledge of the learning process, your ability to support learning and to develop a reflective approach to your own teaching role. 
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In-depth courses

The in-depth courses are aimed at those who have taken the basic course, or have equivalent knowledge, and have teaching experience. The courses provide the opportunity for thematic deepening.

Assessment and evaluation

It is well known that assessment is the most important instrument for influencing students learning; it is less well known that course evaluations can also be used to develop the students' learning strategies for the purpose of achieving the expected learning outcomes of a course. 
Read more about the course.

Communication for learning

KOM is a flexible, 80-hour course at UPL that supports the development and refinement of your communicative skills and attitudes in order to make learning happen.
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Didactics for university teachers

This course is built upon our knowledge of practical didactics, which means building bridges between subject knowledge and teaching practice. 
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Education for sustainable development

The aim of the course is to develop your knowledge of and approach to sustainable development, as well as your ability to integrate aspects of sustainable development into courses and programs. 
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Pedagogical Digital Competence

This course is aimed at teachers who want to develop their ability to use digital resources in an educational context and deepen one's own pedagogical digital competence (PDC). 
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Pedagogical leadership

Within the university there are many examples of leadership. One of them is pedagogical leadership. This course puts a pedagogical leadership perspective on various aspects of education and learning. 
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PBL and the Case Method

This course is directed to those who would like to develop student active-teaching and at the same time develop in the role as teacher. Case method and problem based learning are two forms of teaching that can be used to develop student's independence, knowledge, critical judgement and problem solving.
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Pedagogical Development Project in Higher Education

In this course you will be guided through a pedagogical development project process. The project is chosen and formulated by you and should be based in pedagogical development needs in your department’s teaching. You will also develop your scholarly approach to teaching and education.
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Supervision in Higher Education

The course gives you an opportunity to develop your own leadership skills and meet other colleagues in discussion about supervision. 
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Postgraduate supervision in practice

Postgraduate supervision in practice

Do you supervise PhD students or will you do so soon? As a supervisor, you need to find ways of working that are both effective and individually tailored to the students' needs.
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Upcoming courses


Any questions about your registration? Please contact us at UPL

Latest update: 2024-10-24