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UTRI Young Researcher Network

The UTRI Young Researcher Network aims to promote dialogue and discussions on transformative research towards sustainable development among young researchers at Umeå University

YRN is part of the Umeå Transformation Research Initiative (UTRI) but specifically addresses young researchers at the beginning of their research career. Our aim is to establish a space where young researchers can connect, fostering opportunities for the future. This is achieved through diverse events and activities, providing a platform for young researchers to present their work and engage in discussions with peers. 

Join the network 

By joining the Young Researchers Network, you will have the opportunity to meet and network with other young researchers as well as with more senior researchers. The best way to do this is to come to our events. But you can also:

Who can join?

Anyone who associates themselves as a young researcher at an advanced level at Umeå University is welcome to be a part of us (e.g. PhD students, Postdoc researchers, Assistant prof.)

The steering group

The network is overseen by a steering group with engaged young researchers. We meet regularly to organise and plan events and activities. If you want to be a part of the steering group, have any event suggestions or would like to take the lead in organising one, feel free to reach out to us.

Steering Group

Charlotta Svonni
Postdoctoral fellow
Karolina Eriksson
Postdoctoral fellow, postdoctoral position
Hilde Weiser
Doctoral student

Upcoming events with UTRI


Latest update: 2024-01-16