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Physically literate campus

The physically literate campus provides an opportunity for students, staff and others who spend time in the outdoor environments of the campus to look at movement through different eyes. Through ten challenges, the concept of physical literacy is used as a compass that recognises each individual’s ability and desire for movement.

The challenges all relate to movement in connection with the surrounding environment, focusing on skills such as coordination, creativity and presence. Each challenge is also associated with a thought-provoking message developed in collaboration with Umeå University’s student priest Susanne Dahl. The theme of each challenge is used as a way to focus on contemplation and reflection.

Location of the ten challenges

The ten challenges are set up within the existing Walk and Talk loops: around the lake and the green/blue loop and along the forest path behind SLU that follows the yellow loop. The challenges can be completed individually or in groups and can be adapted to each individual’s movement ability. All the challenges are independent of each other.

Part of Healthy Campus

The physically literate campus is part of the Healthy Campus project, which aims to provide students and staff of Umeå University with opportunities for a healthy and sustainable study and working life. The physically literate campus is a collaboration between Umeå University and the foundation Change the Game.

What is physical literacy?

Physical literacy, or ‘rörelserikedom’ in Swedish, takes a holistic view of each individual’s ability to move.

Physical literacy is not the same as physical activity or fitness; it includes motivation, self-confidence, physical competence, knowledge and understanding. It allows each individual to develop their mobility skills and feel motivated and excited about movement.

The more daring and willing a person is to be physically active in different social contexts and physical environments, the better their chances of having an active, healthy life and to grow and flourish as a human being. 

Latest update: 2025-02-04