Twice a year, on Wednesday of week 38 and on Wednesday week 8, the Umeå School of Sport Sciences holds Health on Campus as part of an initiative to promote health and wellness at Umeå University. All students and staff are welcome and naturally the event is free of charge.
The project Health on campus is part of an investment in health and wellness at Umeå University. The project is also an important part of the university's work for a healthy campus where the goal is for students and employees to have a sustainable study and working life.
Health on Campus 19 February 2025
Welcome to Health on Campus
The length of the film: 0:33 minutes
The day offers lectures, workshops and exercising for students and employees at Umea University. Everything is free of charge. Bring your colleagues and fellow students to a day in motion!
If you have urgent questions about Health on campus on February 19, please contact Tove Mårs on 070-277 71 57.
Health on Campus 17 September 2025
Save the date! Feel free to contact us with requests for upcoming lecturers and activities at
Photography during Health on Campus
Umeå University photographs and films/live video streams this event to use the images and films in their communications.
Umeå University may use the images/films in their communication and social media channels. Contact the Umeå School of Sport Science at or talk to the staff if you have any objection to appearing in such images.
Help us develop Health on campus
We are grateful for all views that help us develop Health on campus. Both rice and rose are welcome! Feel free to leave your feedback to Thanks in advance!
Umeå School of Sport Sciences
Co-player: Personalenheten, Studentcentrum/Studenthälsan, Lokalförsörjningsenheten, Kommunikationsenheten, International Office, Samhällsmedicin och rehabilitering, Institutionen för psykologi, Pedagogiska institutionen, Kost- och måltidsvetenskap, Umeå Studentkår, Umeå Medicinska studentkår, Umeå Naturvetar- och teknologikår, Företagshälsovården, Kyrkan på Campus, Umeå Personalidrottsförening, Akademiska Hus, Idrottsvetenskapliga programmet, Idrottsfysiologprogrammet, Fysioterapeutprogrammet, Ämneslärarprogrammet Idrott och hälsa, IKSU, IKSU Frilufts, IKSU Längdskidor, IKSU Kampsport, Medicinska Run Club, Parasport Västerbotten, Fritidsbanken, Sensus Studieförbund, Snowflake Singers, Mäster Erik Dart clug, Umeå Biljardklubb, WCS Umeå, Umeå Salsa Club, Umeå Dansimperium, Navet, IFK Umeå, Bildmuseet, Vilda Kocken, Umeå Kallbad, Umeå Kommun, Umeå Bågskytteklubb, TTGU, Nordboulen
Do you want to be our partner next time?
If your organization wants to collaborate with the Health on Campus project, contact Pernilla Eriksson or Tove Mårs.