Questions and answers about elite sports and studies at Umeå University.
Why should I sign a student athlete agreement?
The student athlete agreement is aimed at those who are student athletes that engage in elite sports to such an extent that adapted studies are necessary to be able to combine sports and studies at university level. The agreement is needed for the university to be able to make study adjustments for you.
Who qualifies as a student-athlete?
There are two levels of elite sports contracts. Find out more here:
If you meet Umeå University's definition of an elite athlete, and you are admitted to a program/course at Umeå University, you can sign an elite sports agreement with Umeå School of Sport Sciences. You need to certify that you are an elite athlete through a certificate from your club/association. Contact Tove Mårs, tel. 090 - 786 88 50, and book an appointment. The agreement must be signed in original (exceptions are made for distance learning students).
When do I sign my student-athlete agreement?
You sign the elite sports agreement when you have been admitted to studies at Umeå University (and you meet the criteria of elite athlete). Contact Tove Mårs, tel. 090 - 786 88 50, and book an appointment. The agreement must be signed in original (exceptions are made for distance learning students).
Does my federation/club need to certify that I am a student-athlete?
Yes. There are two different certificate templates. The SF certificate applies if you are a so-called RIU-student and the IH certificate if you live up to Umeå University's definition of elite athletes. If you are an international student, it is your sports association in your home country that signs the certificate.
How long is my agreement valid and how often should it be renewed?
Your student athlete agreement is valid as long as you are a student at Umeå University and as long as you play sports at your certified level. You must notify the university if you change club or level of your sports. You also need to notify the university when you have completed your studies or are no longer engage in sports at elite level.
What is the student-athlete contract and what benefits do I get as a student-athlete?
The student athlete agreement intitles help with study flexibility when sports clash with your studies, with i.e., delayed study pace, adjustments in terms of examinations and priority at internship placement.
Read more: Rule - Local regulations for elite athletes' dual careers at Umeå University.
What is expected of me as a student-athlete?
In order for the elite sports agreements to work, you need to plan your sporting activities with your studies and to notify your program/study counselor and relevant teachers at an early stage when you need a study adjustment. The responsibility for such adapted studies lies with the student. Qualities that are beneficial is having foresight, an ability to plan and to ask for help.
What should I do if I feel that my course of study is not working?
Contact your program/study counselor in the first instance so that they can clarify and help you adjust your studies. If your concerns remain, contact the dual career coordinator Pernilla Eriksson or dual career guidance Tove Mårs.
What does a delayed study pace mean?
For example, if you are admitted to a full-time program that takes place on campus in Umeå, a delayed pace of study means that you, together with your program advisor, make a plan for which courses you will take each semester, e.g. you may take modules 1 and 3 in semester 1 and skip modules 2 and 4, which you then take when your course mates take semester 3. It is important that this planned course of study is done in consultation with the program advisor who knows the order in which different courses must be taken. Notably, you can never choose to study a campus program entirely at distance or remotely.
Does a delayed pace of study affect my financial aid?
Yes, it does. You receive study grants for the time you plan to study, so if you delay the pace of your studies, this also means reduced study grants. Contact CSN if you are unsure how your study pace affects your student finances.
Can I study a campus program entirely at a distance using the Elite Sports Agreement?
No, it is not possible to study a campus program at a distance/remotely, however, you can get certain study adjustments. For example, if you are considering studying the physiotherapy program, dentist, or the medical program, you should expect to be able to be in Umeå for a large part of your studies, even if you have a student athlete agreement.
Are there scholarships available for elite sports students at Umeå University?
Within the Swedish Sports Confederation, it is possible to apply once a year for RFs and Svenska Spels Elite Sports Scholarships. The elite sports scholarship is intended to enable the athlete to combine elite sports and studies after upper secondary school. The scholarship is worth SEK 50,000 per recipient and is awarded once per semester (SEK 25,000 per semester).
The scholarship is intended for one academic year and is awarded at the Swedish Sports Gala in January each year. The scholarship holders also have the opportunity to attend a camp at Bosön.
Read more about the Elite Sports Scholarship
Umeå School of Sport Sciences also awards its own scholarship once a year to a (one) person who combines elite sports and academic studies in an exemplary way.
What does Dual Careers - Combining Elite Sports and Studies mean?
“A 'dual career' in sport summarizes the requirements for elite athletes to successfully start, develop and complete an elite sport career as part of a lifelong career, combined with the pursuit of education.” (Swedish Sports Confederation)
There are a number of competence centers within Umeå School of Sport, what are they and what does it mean to be part of them?
Umeå School of Sports Sciences has developed 5 competence centers in collaboration with Umeå Municipality and the respective Special Sports Federations (Badminton, Athletics, Cross-Country Skiing/Long Distance, Orienteering/Ski orienteering and Floorball):
Badminton Competence Center (BKC), Athletics Competence Center (FKC), Cross-Country Skiing Competence Center (LKC), Orienteering Competence Center (OKC) and Floorball Competence Center (IKC).
In addition to the offers combined with the elite sports agreement, students in these groups (not floorball) are also offered a coach and training group support for their elite sports development.
Can I train cheaper at IKSU sport if I am an student athlete?
IKSU has student prices that apply to all students. Read more about prices on their training cards.
However, if you are admitted to one of the Swedish School of Sport's competence centers, BKC, FKC, LKC or OKC, you have a certain subsidy on your IKSU card. Other RIU students also have a certain subsidy on IKSU cards. Contact dual career coordinator Pernilla Eriksson or dual career guidance Tove Mårs for more information.
Can I perform tests at the UMEX lab and the performance development lab as a student-athlete?
Yes, if you are an RIU-student, or is admitted to a competence center you can perform tests at the UMEX lab and the Performance Development lab twice a year.
Contact or for more information.