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Setting educational issues in the Nordic and Artic contexts, 2,5 credits

Digital meetings on Zoom

Friday 20 October  

9.00-10.00 Course introduction: Kirk Sullivan 

Zoom meeting ID: 690 8487 5949

Friday 10 November



Meet your group: overview of research projects 
09.00-09.10 Intro 
09.10-09.45 Discussion 
09.45-10.00 Thoughts about the course, academic and practical  

Umu Campus programme

Monday 27 November

Venue: Rum för lärande, Humanities Building

12.00-13.00 Lunch and Registration

13.00-13.15 Formal welcome and information about the campus programme

13.15-14.45 Group elevator pitch

14.45-15.00 FIKA (coffee break)

15.00-17.00 Facilitated groupwork

Group 1: Hum.F.217

Group 2: Hum.F.235

Group 3: Hum.G.204

Group 4: Hum.G.212

Group 5: Hum.G.234


17.15 Welcome reception, Humanities Building

Tuesday 28 November 

Venue: Rum för lärande, Humanities Building

9.00-10.00 Lecture: Education Foundations and Futures – South African, Nordic and Arctic contexts 

10.00-10.30 FIKA

10.30-12.00 Lecture: History, Place and the Question of Education 

12.00-13.00 LUNCH (Universum)

13.00-14.30 Workshop: Submitting coherent manuscripts for publication – transnational dialogues from Nordic and Arctic perspectives 

14.30-15.00 FIKA

15.00-17.00 Facilitated groupwork 

Group 1: Hum.F.217

Group 2: Hum.F.235

Group 3: Hum.G.204

Group 4: Hum.G.212

Group 5: Hum.G.234

Wednesday 29 November

Venue 9.00-12.00: Hörsal E, Humanities Building Hum.D.210

9.00-09.30 Social aspects of Nordic education 

9.30-10.15 A working life on the horizon - Supported education for young adults with mental health problems in a northern setting 

10.15-10.30 FIKA

10.30-11.15 Education reforms and student well-being in Sweden 

11.15-12.00 Learning outcomes from internationalisation?” Student´s international field-practices and their professional development.

12.00-13.00 LUNCH (Universum)

Venue 13.00-15.00: Rum för lärande

13.00-14.30 Workshop: Technology, Sustainability and Democracy 

14.30-15.00 FIKA

15.00-17.00 Facilitated groupwork 

Group 1: Hum.F.217

Group 2: Hum.F.235

Group 3: Hum.G.204

Group 4: Hum.G.212

Group 5: Hum.G.234

18.00 Dinner at Tonka Strandgatan, Arts campus

Thursday 30 November

Venue 9.00-12.00: Hörsal E, Humanities Building Hum.D.210

9.00-10.15 Doing and polishing the literature review in relation to the research aim 

10.15-10.30 FIKA

10.30-12.00 Workshop: Decolonial perspectives in education

12.00-13.00 LUNCH (Universum)

13.00-14.30 Facilitated groupwork 

Group 1: Hum.F.217

Group 2: Hum.F.235

Group 3: Hum.G.204

Group 4: Hum.G.212

Group 5: Hum.G.234

14.30-15.00 FIKA in Rum för lärande

15.00-16.30 Closing circle: My educational science research in an Arctic setting: relevance and sustainability 

Latest update: 2023-11-30