UmArts Small Visionary Projects In Architecture
The UmArts Small Visionary Research Projects provide seed funding to support staff to try out new interdisciplinary research ideas with big ambitions. These proposals are developed within and contribute to the UmArts research community.
The UmArts programme of Small Visionary Projects (SVP) and interdisciplinary working groups is strengthening the artistic research environment to address urgent societal and environmental concerns. The working groups bring together researchers across the arts, humanities and sciences by investigating common questions. UMA researchers are core members of the Geopolitics of the Forest working group, and the Displacement working group on the relationships between host and guest in relation to migration and displacement in the north of Sweden. In 2022 the UmArts Moving North cross-sectorial team were awarded a Vision I Norr / ArkDes / New European Bauhaus grant to explore forms of reciprocity between migrants, refugees and host communities in Skellefteå.
UMA have, so far, been awarded six SVP’s which contribute to the UmArts research community. Along with peer support and a mentoring programme for new researchers, the projects receive financial support for developing new research projects and future funding proposals. Projects are peer reviewed by an international panel based on the quality of the idea, the nature of the collaboration, the contribution to the UmArts research community, public engagement and potential for future development and funding.
Read more about the Small Visionary projects on UmArts webpage
Small Visionary Projects

Making the Difference: Izmir
Amalia Katopodis, Robert Mull & Sangram Shirke

Strangers at Home
Daniel Movilla Vega

The Power of Gentleness
Roemer van Toorn

The Swedish Timber Empire
Toms Kokins

Retake/ Reuse experiments to reactivate public spaces: the winter garden
Alejandro Haiek Coll, Maria Luna Nobile & Marie Kraft
To the North
Tonia Carless
Latest update: 2024-11-22